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Risultati ricerca


The rules governing this matter are extremely complex and may be schematically simplified by looking at a subjective profile and an objective profile. As regards the former, there are two main types of tax linked to real estate conveyances: stamp duty (imposta di registro) (and the related mortgage and cadastral taxes) and VAT. Whether one tax or the other is applied depends mainly but not exclusively on the nature of the vendor. Stamp duty is applicable in all cases where the vendo


When purchasing a property (apartment, garage, commercial premises etc.) it is always necessary to check that it is in order from the point of view of the building ordinances, i.e. the existence of a building permit for its construction or “concessions” for any work subsequently carried out (it is often the case that work done without authorization was subsequently the subject of an amnesty by way of a corrective building concession).For vacant land, it is always important to check its statu


If a married person wishes to sell a property, it is necessary to check whether or not the consent of the other spouse is needed; If a minor or a person not of sound mind is the owner of an asset, a judge's authorization is needed for the sale as well as the intervention of that person's tutor or parent or legal representative; the same thing applies for a purchase by such persons; If an inherited asset is the common property of several heirs, before selling his share an heir must firs


A joint-stock company must be set up through a public deed which must clearly indicate who the parties to the contract are. Such parties may be individuals but also legal entities (as for instance other joint-stock companies, partnerships, cooperatives or other bodies).The Memorandum of Association must indicate the Municipality in which the company has its registered office, which is where it operates, and the name of the company which must contain the wording “"società per azioni" or "s.p.


Informal partnerships are the most elementary form of enterprise.The fundamental characteristic of an informal partnership is that the scope of its activities is limited to non-commercial profit-making economic activities.The scope of an informal partnership may therefore include:- agricultural activities, with certain limitations because:   the purpose of the enterprise cannot be merely that of using assets, but must consist in the joint operation of a business activity;  taci