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Risultati ricerca



INTERNATIONAL - AUSTRALIA: Consequences of using foreign trusts for capital gains


The Japanese government's 2018 tax reform bill abolishes the recently introduced rule under which the heirs of a long-term resident foreigner who died outside Japan remain liable to Japanese inheritance tax (IHT) on estate assets anywhere in the world. The rule had threatened to derail the government's efforts to attract foreign talent to live and work in Japan, because it meant IHT liability could follow a foreign national for up to five years after leaving the country.


INTERNATIONAL - European Union: Taxation at source must take into account non-resident taxpayer's domestic costs


- Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze. Nota dell’8 aprile 2009, n. 28107 - Antiriciclaggio: chiarimenti sui pagamenti di effetti presso cassa cambiali e pagamenti frazionati.- Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze. Nota del 9 aprile 2009 n. 29165 - Antiriciclaggio: chiarimenti in ordine ad atto notarile in cui compare una società fiduciaria.- Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze. Decreto 12 agosto 2008 - Individuazione degli Stati extracomunitari e dei territori stranieri che impong


The rate of interest is usually set in percentage terms; it may be fixed, which means it is the same for the whole duration of the loan, or variable, which means it is determined with reference to changing parameters that are set by objective, impartial criteria. For example, Euribor is an average quotation for variable rates calculated using objective criteria in the EU financial markets; while I.R.S. (interest instalments swap) is the financial reference parameter for establishing the cost


La société à responsabilité limitée est fondamentalement destinée à des entreprises à dimensions plus réduites par rapport à la société par actions, et la participation sociale peut maintenir un profil personnel qu’on ne retrouve généralement pas dans la s.p.a.. La société se compose en effet habituellement d’un nombre réduit d’associés qui ne sont pas personnellement responsables des dettes sociales, même s’ils ont agi au nom et pour le compte de la société.La législation en vigueur depuis le p


In particular, it is pointed out that there are different rules as compared with the s.p.a. for the adoption of certain decisions (amendments to the Memorandum of Association, revocation and replacement of directors, appointment and revocation of the members of the supervision board). Hence the need to seek the advice of a notary public.For all other aspects, please refer to the joint-stock companies (please refer to the related paragraph).


Il proprietario degli edifici riconosciuti di interesse storico o artistico dichiara la rendita catastale calcolata applicando la minore tra le tariffe di estimo previste per le abitazioni della zona censuaria nella quale il fabbricato è ubicato.In altri termini, non si deve prendere a riferimento la rendita che compare negli atti catastali. Dal certificato catastale occorre desumere solo il numero dei vani di cui una data unità immobiliare si compone. Desunto tale numero, lo si deve moltipl

25/11/2005 - Articolo del notaio

COMPRAVENDITA - Atto pubblico - Semplificazioni