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VAT - Transfer of ownership of land in settlement of tax arrears


The limited liability company is intended for smaller companies than joint-stock companies, and the equity participation in the company has a personal connotation which is absent in the s.p.a.  In fact, it has a limited number of shareholders who are not personally responsible for the social security liabilities, even if they have acted in the name and on behalf of the company.The legislation in place as of 1 January 2004 has had a major impact on the limited liability company, which is an e


Dissolution of general partnerships is determined by the causes already mentioned and described with reference to informal partnership,  to which the reader is explicitly referred.However, other specific causes of dissolution of the s.n.c. are the latter’s bankruptcy, and a provision by a government authority laying down the compulsory administrative winding up of the partnership.


With the provisions that entered into force as of 1 January 2004, the dissolution of companies with share capital is governed by new rules.A company may be dissolved because: its term of duration has expired,  the corporate aims have been achieved or circumstances have set in that make it impossible to achieve them, the shareholders’ meeting cannot or will not function, the share capital has dropped to values below the minimum legal requirements (but the company may decide to reconstitute th


The functioning of the company with share capital, in its traditional model, is based on the necessary simultaneous presence of three bodies:  the shareholders’ meeting, the board of directors and the board of statutory auditors, each of which has its own distinct sphere of competence. Accounts are audited by an auditor or by an audit firm, except for closed companies where this is decided in the By-laws.The shareholders’ meeting, which is a sovereign body since it is empowered to decide on


Special rules are laid down for the appointment and revocation of auditors and of the members of the supervisory board and, for the s.a.p.a. that are listed or subject to compulsory auditing, there are special rules for assigning or revoking the assignment to an audit firm.For all other aspects, please refer to the joint-stock companies (please refer to the related paragraph).


Co-operatives are associations of persons which are protected in the Italian Constitution:  in fact Article 45 of the Italian Constitution states: “the Constitution recognises the social function of co-operative societies that are based on the values of solidarity and that do not pursue goals of private profit”.In co-operatives predominant importance is ascribed to the social function, which consists in implementing a democratic decentralisation of the power of organisation and management of


The relationship between a partner and the company ends automatically when the partner dies. Within six months from his death, the surviving partners have the duty of returning the share held by the dead partner to his heirs. The surviving partners are not obliged to accept that the heirs of the deceased member should succeed him by taking his place in the company.The surviving partners have two options they can choose from. They may either decide:- to wind up the company in advance;- to car