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Risultati ricerca


INTERNATIONAL - UK: Foreign investors may be discouraged by capital gains tax on commercial property


INTERNATIONAL - JERSEY: Apple says relocation of Irish subsidiary does not reduce its tax liabilities


La preparazione teorica e quella pratica, indipendentemente dal peso che ciascun elemento della prova scritta può assumere in sede di correzione, sono importanti in eguale misura.


The Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato (C.N.N.) is the professional order of notaries. It is made up of 20 notaries directly elected by all practising notaries in three-yearly elections. There is a limit of two consecutive mandates. The three members of the Audit Committee are elected according to the same procedure.The 20 elected councillors, after they are installed in office, nominate a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and an Executive Committee. The tasks of the Consiglio Na


In setting up a company, it is desirable to be assisted by a notary who will help you choose the form of company that, from the organizational standpoint, is best suited to achieving the corporate purpose.From the organizational point of view, companies can be distinguished into the following types:a. PartnershipsThese include:- informal partnerships;- general partnerships;- limited partnerships. b. Companies limited by shares These comprise:- joint-stoc