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Lo Studio Notarile è organizzato secondo un modello specialistico "a matrice", vale a dire che le persone addette allo Studio svolgono ciascuna un proprio compito particolare (per il quale sono adeguatamente ed estremamente preparate, essendo sottoposte a una continuativa attività di formazione) che è strettamente correlato e coordinato al compito specifico di altre persone. Il lavoro quotidiano è svolto secondo rigidi protocolli operativi, configurati secondo criteri di efficienza e qualità.


A will apparently executed in 2012 by John Payne, leaving most of his estate to his son by his first marriage, has been overturned on the grounds that the attesting witnesses' evidence was unreliable. The England and Wales Court of Appeal instead admitted to probate an earlier will leaving everything to Payne's second wife, despite significant doubts about that will's execution and attestation, too. FATTO


The Privy Council ruling in Investec v Glenalla is being welcomed as good news for Guernsey, by reassuring settlors that assets in a Guernsey or Jersey trust are protected from creditors even if the trustee unreasonably incurs a liability or acts in breach of trust and thus invalidates its indemnity. The decision will prove to be of huge importance to settlors, beneficiaries and trustees across the offshore world, said Nick Robison of Guernsey law firm Babbé, which represented the trustees. FATT


Further comment has appeared on the England and Wales Family Court's decision to pierce the corporate veil in the financial remedy case of Akhmedova v Akhmedov (2018 EWFC 23 Fam). The judge considered it necessary to go against the long-standing legal principle, in response to Farkhad Akhmedov's 'continuing campaign to defeat his ex-wife by concealing his assets in a web of offshore companies', and issued orders to aid her enforcement of the judgment in the Isle of Man and Dubai FATTO


ESTATE DISPUTES: Some important judgments from last month


The Privy Council has handed down judgment in Investec Trust (Guernsey) v Glenalla Properties (2018 UKPC 7), in which the former trustees of the Tchenguiz Discretionary Trust had made loans of over GBP200 million to various BVI companies.


Trustees cannot simply brush aside beneficiaries' request for information


ESTATE DISPUTES: Hallyday family wins estate asset freeze while forced-heirship litigation continues


INTERNATIONAL - SPAIN: Foreign nationals can sue government over inheritance tax discrimination, following Supreme Court ruling


INTERNATIONAL - FRANCE: Legal entities must comply with reporting obligations by April

09/01/2018 - Articolo del notaio

IMPOSTA DI REGISTRO - Cessione del diritto di opzione (nell'aumento di capitale sociale)


GERMANY: Expat businessman challenges exit tax for move to Switzerland


INTERNATIONAL - FRANCE: Distribution tax refunds to be financed by new 'exceptional' corporation tax


WEALTH MANAGEMENT - JERSEY: Success for plaintiffs in USD200 million Crociani case


WEALTH MANAGEMENT - FRANCE: Foreign resident's children cannot invoke forced heirship law


'Foundation company' vehicle established in Cayman Islands

10/10/2017 - Articolo del notaio

IMPOSTA DI REGISTRO - La cessione del diritto di opzione


SWISS BANKING: Sweden and the Netherlands demand names of Swiss Banks clients


INTERNATIONAL - GERMANY: Restriction of loss relief declared unconstitutional


VAT - Transfer of ownership of land in settlement of tax arrears


INTERNATIONAL - EU: Court of Justice rules on dynamic IP addresses


INTERNATIONAL - INDIA: Highest court rules that three days per year is enough to create permanent establishment


INTERNATIONAL - European Union: Taxation at source must take into account non-resident taxpayer's domestic costs


INTERNATIONAL - Canadian notary must reimburse buyer stuck with non-resident seller's CGT bill


FAMIGLIA - Massimario di giurisprudenza 2016 del Tribunale di Milano


The italian Notary


La disciplina in tema di patto di famiglia prevede espressamente che all’atto negoziale prendano parte <<l’ imprenditore>>, i discendenti ai quali egli intende trasferire l’azienda di famiglia (o le partecipazioni che la rappresentino) e <<anche il coniuge e tutti coloro che sarebbero legittimari ove in quel momento si aprisse la successione nel patrimonio dell’ imprenditore>>. Vediamo dunque nel dettaglio chi sono i protagonisti del patto di famiglia.a) L’imprenditor


It often happens that, after a prospective property has been inspected and chosen, substantial agreement is reached with the other party even if this is not yet formalized in written form. It is advisable to contact a notary at this early stage before signing the preliminary contract (the so-called “compromesso”). In the preliminary contract, both signatories undertake to stipulate the definitive sale contract by a certain date and on given conditions. The preliminary agreement (even i


The following are examples of what needs to be included in a proposal for sale or purchase and in a preliminary contract: - the precise description of the asset or assets; - the exact identification of the owner or owners and of the purchaser or purchasers; - the obligations of the vendor and of the purchaser; - the price of the sale and method of payment; - the conditions of the conveyance and relevant guarantees; - documentation of the history of the asset or assets; -


Notaries have as their essential mission to confer authenticity on the legal instruments and contracts they establish for their clients in various areas of law


L'art. 19 del d.lgs. prescrive che l'identificazione e la verifica dell'identità del cliente è svolta, in presenza dello stesso, anche attraverso propri dipendenti o collaboratori, mediante un documento d'identità o di riconoscimento non scaduto, salvo quanto previsto per l'identificazione effettuata dal notaio.L'identificazione deve avvenire, in via alternativa: - prima dell'instaurazione del rapporto continuativo; - al momento in cui è conferito l'incarico di svolgere una prestazione


La comunione tra coniugi e tra altri soggetti. La legge afferma innanzitutto che  nell'atto di acquisto l'acquirente deve dichiarare di "non essere titolare esclusivo o in comunione con il coniuge dei diritti di proprietà, usufrutto, uso e abitazione di altra casa di abitazione nel territorio del comune in cui e' situato l'immobile da acquistare" Ciò che dunque ostacola la concessione dell’agevolazione è il prepossesso (nello stesso Comune) di un’abitazione di titolarità esclusiva o di


Lorsqu’il s’agit d’un acte public, le notaire est tenu à la lecture intégrale de celui-ci aux parties (devant témoins, si l’acte est stipulé avec l’assistance de témoins). La lecture de l’acte ne peut être ni hâtive ni incomplète; et l’obligation de la lecture n’est pas respectée si les parties sont à une distance ne leur permettant pas de l’entendre clairement. Les parties peuvent demander au notaire une photocopie de l’acte, pour en suivre plus aisément la lecture à haute voix. Po


Un des éléments essentiels de la négociation d’un contrat de prêt est l’échelonnement accordé pour la restitution du capital prêté, donc la durée. On peut dire en termes généraux qu’une durée plus longue de l’emprunt comporte une diminution relative du montant de chaque tranche d’amortissement, ce qui diminue la pression sur l’emprunteur; d’autre part, tout ceci comporte globalement le paiement d’un montant plus élevé en termes d’intérêts, précisément parce que le capital sera remboursé plus


Notartel S.p.A. was set up in 1997 in a partnership between the Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato (National Council of Notaries) and the Cassa Nazionale del Notariato (National Notaries' Fund) with the aim of creating and managing information and communications services for Italian notaries. Notartel links all Italian notaries by way of an intranet called Rete Unitaria del Notariato (RUN, or Unified Notarial Network), offering the services typical of an internet provider, such as access t


Law no. 52 of 1996 introduced rules into the Italian legal system to protect the consumer in his contractual relations with professionals. In order to rationalize regulations which have been complicated by a long sequence of amendments, a Consumer Code was recently published (Legislative Decree no. 206 of 6 September 2005), which contains a thorough reworking of most of the consumer-protection rules. Article 3 of the Consumer Code defines a "consumer" as a physical individual who acts


When does one need a notary? The areas covered by Italian notaries are mainly:a) the purchase of a house or other real property;b) the formalization of a mortgage contract with a Bank;c) the preparation of powers of attorney so as to be represented by a third party;d) changes to property arrangements between spouses;e) applications to a court for authorizations regarding minor children;f) donation of assets;g) setting up of and changes to companies, and all relevant legal documents;h) acceptance


Only legal security in business and private relationships allow for economic development; therefore a constitutional state must guarantee  legal security to its citizens. To this goal: 1) lawsuits  must be prevented, for as much as possible; 2) the citizens must have access  to public registers whose records are reliable and legally trustworthy. Clearly the reliability of the findings depends entirely upon the trustworthiness of the deeds entered. An authentic deed, drawn by a


Any change, even only a purely formal change, in the clauses of the by-laws of a company is considered to be an amendment to the by-laws.  As a rule this competence belongs to the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting and the relevant decision must be written in the minutes by a notary public and then registered with the Register of Companies.The decision must be taken by a majority vote, any clause in the bylaws setting forth that unanimity is required to change the Memorandum of Association


IL PATTO DI FAMIGLIA 1. IntroduzioneCon l’introduzione nel nostro ordinamento del “patto di famiglia”, istituto da tempo atteso e caldeggiato, la trasmissione della ricchezza familiare, prevalentemente rappresentata dall’impresa e/o caratterizzata da una predominante dimensione mobiliare, può essere oggi programmata con lungimiranza.Per lungo (forse troppo) tempo le norme che nel nostro ordinamento disciplinano le successioni mortis causa sono rimaste del tutto indifferent


La disciplina giuridica degli apolidi è dettata, in principio, dalla Convenzione di New York del 28/9/1954; dalla legge 1/2/1962 n. 306; dalla legge 5/2/1992 n. 91 (art. 16) e dal D.P.R. 12/10/1993 n. 572 (Reg. attuativo), art. 17.La Convenzione prevede che agli apolidi si applichi lo stesso trattamento riservato in generale agli stranieri, e che comunque siano esonerati dalla necessità della condizione di reciprocità dopo tre anni di residenza.Per l'accesso alla proprietà immobiliare e per l'es

01/06/2004 - Articolo del notaio

SOCIETA' - società - riforma - sede sociale