Risultati ricerca

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Risultati ricerca

31/08/2018 - Articolo del notaio

MUTUO - Nullo il mutuo fondiario eccedente l'80% del valore del bene ipotecato


Limited partnership structures can be set up in the BVI from early 2018, in the hope of attracting private equity funds and joint venture vehicles, for which onshore tax transparency is required. They do not need to have a BVI-based general partner.


La comunione tra coniugi e tra altri soggetti. La legge afferma innanzitutto che  nell'atto di acquisto l'acquirente deve dichiarare di "non essere titolare esclusivo o in comunione con il coniuge dei diritti di proprietà, usufrutto, uso e abitazione di altra casa di abitazione nel territorio del comune in cui e' situato l'immobile da acquistare" Ciò che dunque ostacola la concessione dell’agevolazione è il prepossesso (nello stesso Comune) di un’abitazione di titolarità esclusiva o di



Home loans are generally guaranteed by a mortgage and so are the preserve, in our legal system, of the notary. The presence of the notarial profession has become more significant with the recent increase in the number of such contracts, a result of the lower cost of money (though this is still subject to fluctuations) and improvements in living standards that allow an ever greater number of citizens to aspire to the ownership of their home and often of a second home as well. Year after ye


When a borrower's default becomes absolute (in the sense that there is not only a delay in payment but a true "missed payment" of significant economic importance to the contract), the bank decides to cancel the contract and immediately demand repayment of the amounts due; hence the borrower cannot take advantage of the deferred payments contained in the redemption plan.At this point, the cancellation amount is calculated (capital plus accrued interest, late-payment interest and any other exp