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ESTATE DISPUTES: Some important judgments from last month


Trustees cannot simply brush aside beneficiaries' request for information


INTERNATIONAL - JERSEY: Apple says relocation of Irish subsidiary does not reduce its tax liabilities


INTERNATIONAL - UK TRUSTS: Law implementing registers of trusts in force on 26 June 2017


SOCIETA' - Arbitrato societario


The italian Notary


Vous trouverez ici à titre d’exemple les points obligatoires à inclure dans une proposition de vente ou d’achat et dans un avant-contrat de mutation onéreuse: - la description précise du bien ou des biens;- l’identification exacte du propriétaire ou des propriétaires et de l’acquéreur ou des acquéreurs;- les obligations du vendeur et de l’acheteur;- le prix de la vente et les modalités de paiement;- les conditions de la transaction et les garanties qui l’accompagnent;- les documents indiq


Notaries and business


The notarial profession has always been, and continues to be, one that is more than ready to adopt new technology. It is sufficient to recall that from the 1960s on, any and all notaries' offices moved rapidly from traditional typewriters and duplicators to the most sophisticated photocopiers and PCs with large-capacity memories. The reason for notaries' particular attention to technological developments of this kind is evident. For over 2000 years the notary's job has been to create and con


Depuis toujours, le notariat est une catégorie prête à adopter de nouvelles technologies. Il suffit de penser qu’à partir des années soixante presque toutes les études de notaire sont passées, avec une étonnante rapidité, des traditionnelles machines à écrire et à polycopier aux photocopieuses les plus sophistiquées et aux ordinateurs dotés d’une mémoire prodigieuse. La raison de cette attention particulière du notariat pour le développement technologique dans ce secteur est évidente. Depuis


Since 12 September 2002, the Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato has been registered in the public list of certifiers of digital signatures held by AIPA, as the certification authority for Italian notaries. The digital signatures of Italian notaries may be verified on the site http://ca.notariato.it. Based on the rules and the certification authority's operations manual, CNN certifies notaries' digital signatures in the exercise of their functions and so guarantees to third parties not only


Depuis le 12 septembre 2002, le Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato est inscrit dans la liste publique des certificateurs de la signature numérique, tenue par l’AIPA (Autorité pour l’informatique dans l’administration publique), en tant qu’autorité de certification des notaires italiens. Les signatures numériques des notaires italiens peuvent être contrôlées sur le site http://ca.notariato.it Sur la base de la réglementation et du manuel opérationnel de l’autorité de certification, le Consi


Le notaire italien appartient à la famille des notariats de type latin, présents dans 76 nations et dans la plupart des pays européens, tels que la France, l’Allemagne, la Suisse, l’Espagne, les Pays-Bas, la Belgique, l’Autriche, et d’autres encore. Le notary public de type anglo-saxon (présent en Grande-Bretagne, aux Etats-Unis et dans d’autres pays) n’est responsable que de l’authenticité des signatures: ce qui oblige lors de l’achat ou de la vente d’un logement chacune des parties à re


A  "public officer" is a professional who performs "public functions". This means that he is vested by the State  with public authority and faith, which allows him to draw "authentic deeds"  (or "public deeds"). The “authentic deed” is the characteristic  "product" of the latin notary system. Even though  the notaries' discipline can show slight differences in  the different countries adopting the latin system, they all draw up authentic (public) deeds with the same legal meaning.


The system manages certified mail through a dedicated domain used for the transmission of electronic documents having full legal validity.


The system provides access to legal documentation that is useful for the exercise of the notarial profession, both internal to the profession and supplied by agreement with external editors; an archive of legal documentation (the Notarial Data Base) contains approximately 40,000 documents (studies by the National Council of Notaries, jurisprudence of interest, the science of law). The material is accessible by way of a search engi


In general terms, our law permits the purchase of real estate by foreigners in the following different ways:1) non-resident foreigner: only if covered by an international treaty or there is a reciprocal arrangement whereby his country of origin allows an Italian to purchase a house;2) "resident" foreigner, his family members and stateless persons resident in Italy for less than three years: with a temporary residence permit for specific reasons or a long-term residence permit;3) citizen of the E


Dans une première approche, notre loi admet l’acquisition de biens immobiliers par des étrangers sous respect des diverses modalités ci-dessous: 1. étranger ne séjournant pas régulièrement:uniquement si un traité international le permet, ou s’il y a réciprocité, c.à.d. si dans son pays d’origine un Italien a le droit d’acheter une demeure; 2. étranger “séjournant régulièrement”, les membres de sa famille et les apatrides en Italie depuis moins de trois ans:s’il possède un permis de sé


A property conveyance gives rise to a series of rights and obligations for both parties. For a number of the rights of one of the contracting parties, there are corresponding and equal obligations of the other party, so that the vendor and the purchaser find themselves involved in an interactive web of expectations to be met and duties to be performed. While some of these rights/obligations, such as the payment/receipt of the purchase price and the delivery/receipt of the property, are


A person may not always be able to express his intentions directly: for example, because he is abroad or far from the place in which he is supposed to sign a particular deed or contract.In such cases, it is possible to use a power of attorney, i.e. a document giving another person the power to undertake a material or legal act in one's stead.For example, if a husband is abroad and a purchase contract for a house must be signed urgently, the husband – before he leaves or from abroad – may give hi


Foreign documents are those issued abroad by a foreign authority, even if they are in the Italian language, which in order to be used in Italy require legalization or an apostille.In this sense, a document prepared by an Italian consulate or ambassador abroad is not “foreign”, even if the parties are foreign. If it is written in a foreign language, the foreign document must also be accompanied by its “translation”.More precisely, the obligation to legalize a foreign document is currently stipula


On entend par un acte étranger un acte rédigé et parachevé à l’étranger par une autorité étrangère, même s’il est en langue italienne, qui pour pouvoir servir en Italie a besoin d’une légalisation ou d’une apostille. Dans ce contexte, n’est pas “étranger” l’acte rédigé par des consulats ou des ambassades italiennes à l’étranger, même si les parties sont étrangères. Si l’acte étranger est rédigé en langue étrangère, il devra en outre être accompagné de sa “traduction”. Plus précisément,


When does one need a notary? The areas covered by Italian notaries are mainly:a) the purchase of a house or other real property;b) the formalization of a mortgage contract with a Bank;c) the preparation of powers of attorney so as to be represented by a third party;d) changes to property arrangements between spouses;e) applications to a court for authorizations regarding minor children;f) donation of assets;g) setting up of and changes to companies, and all relevant legal documents;h) acceptance


This service provides web-based interactive courses on the systems available. Organized as an ASP (Application Service Provider) centre, it provides high-quality services of interest to notaries 24 hours per day 7 days per week, with complete security. Forthcoming goals: - storage of electronic documents; - a single archive to combat money-laundering; - a general registry of wills.


The “formal” lodging of a deed with a notary, whether required by law (Article 33 of Presidential Decree 445/2000; Article 106 of the Notary Law) or requested by an individual, is intended first of all to impose a control on the legitimacy of the document lodged (i.e. a check that its contents do not contravene mandatory legal rules) and also to ensure its conservation over time.Checks on the contents of foreign documents, however, must be made with reference to so-called international public or


Only legal security in business and private relationships allow for economic development; therefore a constitutional state must guarantee  legal security to its citizens. To this goal: 1) lawsuits  must be prevented, for as much as possible; 2) the citizens must have access  to public registers whose records are reliable and legally trustworthy. Clearly the reliability of the findings depends entirely upon the trustworthiness of the deeds entered. An authentic deed, drawn by a


If a foreign document is written in a language other than Italian, it must be accompanied by a translation into Italian certified as conforming to the foreign text: done either by the competent Italian diplomatic or consular authority, or by an official translator (who may also be an Italian notary who knows the foreign language).


This is a simplified – but absolutely rigid - form of legalization (in the sense that it must have  exactly all the formal characteristics stipulated in the sample attached to the Hague Convention of 5/10/1961 which governs it). It is valid in all the countries that have signed the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 and replaces legalization amongst those countries alone.Like legalization, an apostille may be indispensable for a foreign public document to be valid in Italy.Like legalization, an


A joint-stock company must be set up through a public deed which must clearly indicate who the parties to the contract are. Such parties may be individuals but also legal entities (as for instance other joint-stock companies, partnerships, cooperatives or other bodies).The Memorandum of Association must indicate the Municipality in which the company has its registered office, which is where it operates, and the name of the company which must contain the wording “"società per azioni" or "s.p.


La société par actions doit se constituer par un acte authentique dans lequel les parties au contrat de société seront identifiées; il ne doit pas nécessairement s’agir de personnes physiques, mais aussi de personnes morales (comme par exemple d’autres sociétés par actions ou des sociétés de personnes, voire des coopératives ou autres organismes).L’acte constitutif devra aussi identifier la commune où se trouve le siège de la société, qui est le lieu où est exercée l’activité sociale, et la rais


Sont considérés des changements des statuts d’une société par actions l’introduction, les modifications ou la suppression, même purement formelle, de clauses contenues dans ces statuts. En règle générale c’est l’assemblée extraordinaire qui en est chargée, et le procès-verbal des délibérations respectives doit être rédigé par un notaire et ensuite inscrit auprès du registre des entreprises compétent.La jurisprudence estime généralement qu’il n’est pas admis de déroger à la règle majoritaire, et


In early 2003 the Italian legislator issued a law decree (n° 6 of 17 January 2003) which thoroughly reformed companies limited by shares.  The declared aim was to simplify, where appropriate, and enrich, wherever possible, the rules governing such companies, with a view to increasing their competitiveness on both domestic and international markets.Many changes were made and the following results have been achieved:  a better, though still not complete, co-ordination between the rules governi


Au début de 2003 le législateur italien a promulgué un décret législatif (n° 6 du 17 janvier 2003) qui a apporté des réformes profondes au système des sociétés de capitaux. L’objectif déclaré était la simplification, là où cela était opportun, et l’enrichissement, là où c’était possible, de la réglementation intéressant ces organismes pour les rendre plus compétitifs sur les marchés nationaux et internationaux. Nombreux ont été les changements, et ils ont eu comme résultat une meilleure


From the historic and regulatory point of view, the joint-stock company is the prototype of the company with share capital whose body of rules apply to the limited partnerships with share capital (s.a.p.a.), with which it is compatible, and in some respects they are very close to the rules that govern the limited liability company, which however makes little reference to the rules on joint-stock companies, which consequently do not directly apply. The joint-stock company (s.p.a.) differs fro


Dans l’optique historique et normative, la société par actions est le prototype de la société de capitaux, et sa réglementation analytique est compatible avec, et donc applicable également à la société en commandite par actions et reprend dans une certaine mesure le modèle des normes sur la société à responsabilité limitée, qui, contrairement au système précédent, ne comporte cependant que des renvois sporadiques et limités aux normes en matière de société par actions, qui par conséquent ne peuv