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Forse cercavi: don town own known crown

EUROPEAN COMMISSION: Companies to be prevented from moving tax residency


The Privy Council has handed down judgment in Investec Trust (Guernsey) v Glenalla Properties (2018 UKPC 7), in which the former trustees of the Tchenguiz Discretionary Trust had made loans of over GBP200 million to various BVI companies.


INTERNATIONAL - UK: Legislation this summer on register of foreign property-owners


EUROPE: Commission publishes argument against UK's CFC exemption


INTERNATIONAL - HONG KONG: Multiple property stamp duty gap axed


SWISS BANKING: Sweden and the Netherlands demand names of Swiss Banks clients


INTERNATIONAL - European Union: Taxation at source must take into account non-resident taxpayer's domestic costs


The following are examples of what needs to be included in a proposal for sale or purchase and in a preliminary contract: - the precise description of the asset or assets; - the exact identification of the owner or owners and of the purchaser or purchasers; - the obligations of the vendor and of the purchaser; - the price of the sale and method of payment; - the conditions of the conveyance and relevant guarantees; - documentation of the history of the asset or assets; -


L'accesso alla sezione download atti è permesso solamente a coloro i quali abbiano fatto richiesta allo Studio notarile compilando il form presente alla sezione "richiedi info su: copie atti stipulati".Lo studio dopo aver espletato tutti i controlli previsti a seguito della richiesta, invierà le credenziali di accesso da utilizzare poter ottenere la copia dell'atto stipulato.Per effettuare lo scaricamento è necessario attenersi alle istruzioni: - inserire username;- inserire password;- verificar


One of the essential elements in the negotiation of a home loan is the delay allowed for  repayment of the capital, i.e. the duration. In general terms, one may say that the longer the duration of a home loan the lower the amount of each repayment instalment, which gives the borrower more breathing space; all this, however, means paying overall a larger amount in  interest, precisely because the capital is repaid more slowly. The practice also is that a longer duration


After long years of waiting, the decree-law that introduces greater protection for the purchasers of houses that are in the process of being built has finally been published in the Official Gazette (6 July 2005, n° 155).  The measures introduced under this new law will have a major impact: indeed, according to estimates made by trade associations, since 1995 more than 200,000 Italian families have been involved in thousands of bankruptcies of construction firms. Decree Law n° 122 of 20 Ju


Fluctuations in the cost of money may, in some cases, make it advisable to “make running changes” to the terms of a mortgage: such changes, in economics, are known as renegotiation. There are various legal methods for achieving this: a) discharge of the old home loan and granting of new financing with a new mortgage (“replacement” home loan); b) merely changing the terms of the old home loan (renegotiation in the strictest sense); c) from 2 February 2007, subrog


If the parties wish to set up an general partnership, they must respect the specific rules laid down in this regard by the Civil Code, bearing in mind, in any case that, for many aspects, the law refers the reader to the provisions regulating informal partnerships, which consequently apply equally to general partnerships. So that, in the light the foregoing, the present file foresees multiple referrals to the subjects already dealt with and developed with regard to the informal partners


In general the rules for limited partnerships (s.a.s.) are the same as those laid down for informal partnerships (please refer to the related paragraph). However, the death of a limited partner does not end the partnership because, as said above, in case of death, the partner’s shares are transferred to the heirs, unless otherwise provided for in the Memorandum of Association.


Any change, even only a purely formal change, in the clauses of the by-laws of a company is considered to be an amendment to the by-laws.  As a rule this competence belongs to the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting and the relevant decision must be written in the minutes by a notary public and then registered with the Register of Companies.The decision must be taken by a majority vote, any clause in the bylaws setting forth that unanimity is required to change the Memorandum of Association


If the parties wish to join forces by setting up a partnership, they can do this also by setting up a limited partnership (hereafter referred to as an s.a.s.).In general, the s.a.s. is governed by rules that govern the general partnership (for which in turn, reference is made to the rules laid down for informal partnerships), except for the specific provisions which will be examined below.Such a partnership is characterised by the presence of two categories of partners:- unlimited partners,


Dissolution of general partnerships is determined by the causes already mentioned and described with reference to informal partnership,  to which the reader is explicitly referred.However, other specific causes of dissolution of the s.n.c. are the latter’s bankruptcy, and a provision by a government authority laying down the compulsory administrative winding up of the partnership.


The rules applying to limited partnerships are similar from many points of view to those laid down for informal partnerships. However it is underlined that death of a limited partner does not imply conclusion of the business relationship, since upon the death of the partner his/her share is transmitted, unless otherwise agreed in the Memorandum of Association.


In general, the winding up and liquidation of an s.a.s. is governed by the rules set forth for general partnerships, to which the reader is referred (please refer to the related paragraph).However, besides the causes of dissolution that are the same for an s.n.c., there is another cause that is exclusive of the s.a.s., namely when there is only one category of partners left.In fact, it is envisaged that the s.a.s. is to be dissolved when only limited partners or only unlimited partners remai


By law all unlimited partners are directors of the s.a.s..However, the Memorandum of Association may entrust the management to one or some of the unlimited partners, excluding the other unlimited partners from the management.Unlimited partners who are directors are governed by the same rules as those laid down for s.n.c. directors.Their liability is identical to that of the partners in an s.n.c., and is accordingly unlimited and joint, with the benefit that the corporate assets are used to p


The functioning of the company with share capital, in its traditional model, is based on the necessary simultaneous presence of three bodies:  the shareholders’ meeting, the board of directors and the board of statutory auditors, each of which has its own distinct sphere of competence. Accounts are audited by an auditor or by an audit firm, except for closed companies where this is decided in the By-laws.The shareholders’ meeting, which is a sovereign body since it is empowered to decide on


The rules governing general partnerships are similar in many respect to those laid down for informal partnerships (please refer to the related paragraph).


The dissolution and liquidation of an s.a.p.a. is governed in general by the rules put forth for companies with share capital and joint-stock companies, to which the reader is referred (please refer to the related paragraph).Besides the ordinary reasons for winding up a company with share capital, there is an additional reason which holds only for limited partnerships with share capital, i.e. the case in which all the unlimited partners step down from office and they are not replaced within


On the basis of the provisions in force as of 1 January 2004, the administration of joint-stock companies may be organised according to three separate models:  the traditional model, the monistic model (of Anglo-Saxon origin) and the two-tier model (of German origin).In the traditional model, the directors have the task of running the company, and are accordingly provided with the power of being pro-active i.e. promoting the decision-making activity of the meeting (power of initiative), of i


Special rules are laid down for the appointment and revocation of auditors and of the members of the supervisory board and, for the s.a.p.a. that are listed or subject to compulsory auditing, there are special rules for assigning or revoking the assignment to an audit firm.For all other aspects, please refer to the joint-stock companies (please refer to the related paragraph).


The rules described for the s.n.c. also apply to the establishment of an s.a.s.The Memorandum of Association must comply with the same requirements, in form and content, as those laid down for the s.n.c.An additional requirement is that the unlimited partners and the limited partners be distinctly indicated.The Memorandum of Association of the s.a.s. are to be entered in the Register of Companies. If this is not done the partnership is irregular and the provisions that shall apply are less favou


Consortiums are formed between entrepreneurs who decide to set up a common enterprise for regulating and carrying different phases of their respective businesses. The consortiums too are of a mutual character, since the consortium’s activity is carried out in the interest of its member enterprises. “Regulating” given steps of the members’ enterprises is a typical function of internal consortiums, and may be non-competitive in nature, while the “carrying out” of given steps in the respecti


The rules governing general partnerships are similar from many points of view to those laid down for informal partnerships (please refer to the related paragraph)


The rules governing general partnerships are in may respects similar to those laid down for informal partnerships (please refer to the related paragraph).


The rules governing the general partnership are similar from many points of view to those laid down for informal partnerships (please refer to the related paragraph).


Take the case in which the company has lost capital. What is the company allowed to do?In this connection the law envisages that, in case of losses, the company cannot distribute profits among the partners until the capital has been reduced or replenished by the corresponding amount.However, unlike what happens for companies with share capital, there is no obligation to reduce the capital whatever the amount of the losses incurred, even if the latter are such as to wipe out the  entire capit