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Forse cercavi: duty july truly fully buy

A will apparently executed in 2012 by John Payne, leaving most of his estate to his son by his first marriage, has been overturned on the grounds that the attesting witnesses' evidence was unreliable. The England and Wales Court of Appeal instead admitted to probate an earlier will leaving everything to Payne's second wife, despite significant doubts about that will's execution and attestation, too. FATTO


Currency repatriation requirements were extended on 14 April to cover loans issued by Russian residents to foreign borrowers, reducing the opportunities for businesses to shift funds abroad through non-repayable loans.


WEALTH MANAGEMENT - FRANCE: Foreign resident's children cannot invoke forced heirship law


INTERNATIONAL - European Union: Taxation at source must take into account non-resident taxpayer's domestic costs


INTERNATIONAL - Canadian notary must reimburse buyer stuck with non-resident seller's CGT bill