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ESTATE DISPUTES: Some important judgments from last month


NETHERLANDS: Measures against 'letterbox companies' seek to improve country's reputation


INTERNATIONAL - FRANCE: Wealth property tax has significant effects for non-residents


The Japanese government's 2018 tax reform bill abolishes the recently introduced rule under which the heirs of a long-term resident foreigner who died outside Japan remain liable to Japanese inheritance tax (IHT) on estate assets anywhere in the world. The rule had threatened to derail the government's efforts to attract foreign talent to live and work in Japan, because it meant IHT liability could follow a foreign national for up to five years after leaving the country.


INTERNATIONAL - GERMANY: Restriction of loss relief declared unconstitutional


AUSTRALIA: New tax on foreign owners of unoccupied homes


The italian Notary


02/07/2014 - Articolo del notaio

SOCIETA' - Liquidazione più equa in caso di recesso


2014-07 - SOCIETA - Liquidazione più equa in caso di recesso


L’organizzazione del passaggio generazionale nelle famiglie imprenditoriali è, senza dubbio, uno dei più frequenti utilizzi del trust, strumento che, per le sue peculiari caratteristiche, ben si presta infatti al raggiungimento dello scopo di suddividere il patrimonio tra i familiari dell’imprenditore e, se occorre, per l’individuazione (di solito, tra gli eredi, ma non solo) di colui o di coloro che sono reputati più adatti per assumere il comando dell’impresa oggetto di passaggio generazio


The Notary as existing in Italy belongs to the “latin (o roman)  notarial system”. The “latin notary” system is largely spread around the world, adopted by approximately 71 countries, mostly belonging to the civil law system. Although the same word “public notary” is used within the “common law” legal systems, it must be underlined very clearly from the beginning that the concept (the meaning) behind the word in the civil law system and in the common law system is completely, absolutel


Since 12 September 2002, the Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato has been registered in the public list of certifiers of digital signatures held by AIPA, as the certification authority for Italian notaries. The digital signatures of Italian notaries may be verified on the site http://ca.notariato.it. Based on the rules and the certification authority's operations manual, CNN certifies notaries' digital signatures in the exercise of their functions and so guarantees to third parties not only


Joint ownership of assets is the property regime Italian law “automatically” assigns to partners in marriage, but allows the spouses to choose otherwise (such as the separation of assets or joint ownership by agreement).In summary, legal joint ownership means that, in principle, all assets acquired by the spouses during their marriage, even if formally in the name of one only of them, in reality belong to both. That means that in order to sell them, donate them, mortgage them or otherwise dispos


A property conveyance gives rise to a series of rights and obligations for both parties. For a number of the rights of one of the contracting parties, there are corresponding and equal obligations of the other party, so that the vendor and the purchaser find themselves involved in an interactive web of expectations to be met and duties to be performed. While some of these rights/obligations, such as the payment/receipt of the purchase price and the delivery/receipt of the property, are


If the parties wish to set up an general partnership, they must respect the specific rules laid down in this regard by the Civil Code, bearing in mind, in any case that, for many aspects, the law refers the reader to the provisions regulating informal partnerships, which consequently apply equally to general partnerships. So that, in the light the foregoing, the present file foresees multiple referrals to the subjects already dealt with and developed with regard to the informal partners


As has been seen above, in order to determine the type of tax and the amount and means of payment of the sums due for duties on the purchase of a so-called primary residence, one must first of all take into account the nature of the vendor. When the vendor is the company that built (or renovated) the property and four years have not elapsed since completion, the conveyance is subject to VAT that the purchaser must pay directly to the company and not to the notary, along with the payment o


Le cooperative sono enti tutelati a livello costituzionale: l’art. 45 Cost. infatti recita che ""la Costituzione riconosce la funzione sociale della cooperazione a carattere di mutualità e senza fini di speculazione privata"".Nelle cooperative assume un rilievo predominante la funzione sociale, che consiste nell’attuazione di un decentramento democratico del potere di organizzazione e gestione della produzione e, contestualmente, nella maggiore e più equa diffusione del risultato utile della