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INTERNATIONAL - FRANCE: Distribution tax refunds to be financed by new 'exceptional' corporation tax


INTERNATIONAL - HONG KONG: Multiple property stamp duty gap axed


The following are examples of what needs to be included in a proposal for sale or purchase and in a preliminary contract: - the precise description of the asset or assets; - the exact identification of the owner or owners and of the purchaser or purchasers; - the obligations of the vendor and of the purchaser; - the price of the sale and method of payment; - the conditions of the conveyance and relevant guarantees; - documentation of the history of the asset or assets; -


For many years now, in Italy and throughout the world,  the associative phenomenon has encountered ever greater consideration, in addition to a growing enthusiasm. The explanation of this progressive attention may be found in the ever more widespread awareness that the ideas, dreams and projects that each individual nourishes in the course of his/her existence may be concretely expressed, not only through acting in isolation, also by following a path which leads a number of persons to join f


Notaries have as their essential mission to confer authenticity on the legal instruments and contracts they establish for their clients in various areas of law


Le 14 novembre 2002, le Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato, l’Agence pour le Territoire et l’Association Nationale des Communes Italiennes (ANCI) ont signé un protocole d’entente pour promouvoir l’exemption de l’obligation de déclaration ICI, tant pour le vendeur que pour l’acheteur, dans tous les cas où l’acte notarié, dont dépend le transfert immobilier, est enregistré par la voie télématique. On a ensuite entrepris une phase d’expérimentations avec plusieurs Communes, qui ont fixé, en é


Mention must be made of the distinction between real rates and nominal rates. The nominal rate is the percentage of interest that formally appears in the contract and which regulates the home loan operation. In reality, however, the effective cost of the loan is inevitably conditioned by a whole series of other factors: first of all, by various expense items  (survey, review and closure expenses; collection or encashment expenses; third-party agency costs; tax and insurance expenses; othe


L’achat ou la vente d’un bien immobilier donne lieu pour les deux parties à des droits et à des obligations. À certains droits revenant à l’un des contractants correspondent en effet des devoirs analogues à la charge de la contrepartie, ce qui fait que le vendeur aussi bien que l’acheteur se trouvent liés réciproquement par des attentes à satisfaire et de obligations à respecter. Si certains de ces droits ou de ces obligations tels que le fait de payer/recevoir le prix et céder/recevoi


Home loans are generally guaranteed by a mortgage and so are the preserve, in our legal system, of the notary. The presence of the notarial profession has become more significant with the recent increase in the number of such contracts, a result of the lower cost of money (though this is still subject to fluctuations) and improvements in living standards that allow an ever greater number of citizens to aspire to the ownership of their home and often of a second home as well. Year after ye


In general the purchase/sale is the contract having the purpose of transferring the ownership of a house or the transfer of some other right for the equivalent of a price;  more generically it could be said that the purchase/sale of real estate is the formal agreement by means of which one party, called the seller, transfers to another, called purchaser, the ownership of a given property against payment of the price agreed on. Our juridical system, in view of the extreme importance of rea


Le site du Ministère des affaires étrangères explique que “lors de la rédaction de la liste relative aux conditions de réciprocité en matière d’acquisition de biens immobiliers aucune indication n’est donnée concernant les prêts hypothécaires qui, sauf s’il en est dit autrement, n’ont pas besoin d’une vérification ultérieure de l’existence de la réciprocité, du moment que ces actes sont reliés aux opérations d’achat”. Il n’est donc pas nécessaire de vérifier l’existence de la réciprocité lors de


A joint-stock company must be set up through a public deed which must clearly indicate who the parties to the contract are. Such parties may be individuals but also legal entities (as for instance other joint-stock companies, partnerships, cooperatives or other bodies).The Memorandum of Association must indicate the Municipality in which the company has its registered office, which is where it operates, and the name of the company which must contain the wording “"società per azioni" or "s.p.


The share capital is a numerical entity that expresses the value of the contributions in monetary terms, as indicated by the valuation expressed in the Memorandum of Association.A share capital of 100 means that the partners have committed to contributing (underwritten capital) and/or have contributed (fully paid-up capital) money or other entities which at the time of the signing of the partnership deed, were attributed that given monetary value.The share capital remains unchanged throughou