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Risultati ricerca


The notarial profession has always been, and continues to be, one that is more than ready to adopt new technology. It is sufficient to recall that from the 1960s on, any and all notaries' offices moved rapidly from traditional typewriters and duplicators to the most sophisticated photocopiers and PCs with large-capacity memories. The reason for notaries' particular attention to technological developments of this kind is evident. For over 2000 years the notary's job has been to create and con


In "land credit" contracts, the borrower has the legally-assured option of early repayment of the home loan; but generally, even in ordinary contracts, that possibility is foreseen. The borrower may decide, therefore, at a certain point in the repayment plan, to close out the contract and repay the remaining capital, on which obviously he will no longer pay interest. Given this loss of earnings, the bank could, if the contract so stipulates, demand compensation (a penalty). According to a


Dans les contrats de "crédit foncier", la loi offre à l’emprunteur la possibilité de rembourser le prêt en avance; en général cependant, les contrats de droit ordinaire aussi prévoient cette faculté. Arrivé à un certain moment de l’amortissement, l’emprunteur peut donc décider de mettre fin au contrat en restituant le capital qu’il doit encore et sur lequel bien entendu il ne paiera plus d’intérêts. À cause de ce manque à gagner, la banque pouvait, si le contrat le prévoyait, demander une