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ESTATE DISPUTES: Some important judgments from last month


Limited partnership structures can be set up in the BVI from early 2018, in the hope of attracting private equity funds and joint venture vehicles, for which onshore tax transparency is required. They do not need to have a BVI-based general partner.


TRUST - LUXEMBOURG: Movement on beneficial ownership registers


INTERNATIONAL - FRANCE: Distribution tax refunds to be financed by new 'exceptional' corporation tax


INTERNATIONAL - The risk factors Guidelines


For many years now, in Italy and throughout the world,  the associative phenomenon has encountered ever greater consideration, in addition to a growing enthusiasm. The explanation of this progressive attention may be found in the ever more widespread awareness that the ideas, dreams and projects that each individual nourishes in the course of his/her existence may be concretely expressed, not only through acting in isolation, also by following a path which leads a number of persons to join f


Si tratta di una normativa di sostegno alle attività imprenditoriali, in coerenza con la collocazione di tale disciplina in una legge intitolata «misure urgenti a sostegno dei settori industriali in crisi»


Angelo Busani è nato a Parma il 4 ottobre 1960. Svolge la professione di notaio in Milano, con studio in via Cordusio n. 2. Conosce le lingue francese e inglese. Ha prestato il servizio militare nel Corpo degli Alpini (1980-1981). Prima dell’attività notarile ha svolto diversi lavori per finanziare i propri studi, tra cui quelli di operaio e di giornalista (è stato iscritto all’Ordine dei Giornalisti dal 1979). Nel 1982 ha vinto il primo premio del concorso giornalistico nazionale "Per la


Assistenza e consulenza di finanza straordinaria sono fondamentali al giorno d’oggi per gestire in maniera ottimale la propria impresa e raggiungere gli obiettivi di medio-lungo periodo prefissati. Le aziende che abbiano dei concreti programmi di sviluppo, possono usufruire di una consulenza di finanza straordinaria per affrontare diverse problematiche, intraprendere operazioni finanziarie e molto altro ancora. Tra le numerose attività di finanza straordinaria, è possibile annoverare la valutazi


Il est utile d’évoquer brièvement la différence entre taux réel et taux nominal. Le taux nominal est le pourcentage d’intérêts qui paraît décidé formellement dans le contrat et sur lequel l’opération de crédit est gérée. En réalité, le coût effectif de l’emprunt est cependant inévitablement conditionné par toute une série d’autres facteurs: tout d’abord par différents éléments de frais (frais d’enquête, de révision, de clôture; frais de recouvrement ou d’encaissement; frais de médiation p


Joint ownership of assets is the property regime Italian law “automatically” assigns to partners in marriage, but allows the spouses to choose otherwise (such as the separation of assets or joint ownership by agreement).In summary, legal joint ownership means that, in principle, all assets acquired by the spouses during their marriage, even if formally in the name of one only of them, in reality belong to both. That means that in order to sell them, donate them, mortgage them or otherwise dispos


Dans les contrats de "crédit foncier", la loi offre à l’emprunteur la possibilité de rembourser le prêt en avance; en général cependant, les contrats de droit ordinaire aussi prévoient cette faculté. Arrivé à un certain moment de l’amortissement, l’emprunteur peut donc décider de mettre fin au contrat en restituant le capital qu’il doit encore et sur lequel bien entendu il ne paiera plus d’intérêts. À cause de ce manque à gagner, la banque pouvait, si le contrat le prévoyait, demander une


On entend par un acte étranger un acte rédigé et parachevé à l’étranger par une autorité étrangère, même s’il est en langue italienne, qui pour pouvoir servir en Italie a besoin d’une légalisation ou d’une apostille. Dans ce contexte, n’est pas “étranger” l’acte rédigé par des consulats ou des ambassades italiennes à l’étranger, même si les parties sont étrangères. Si l’acte étranger est rédigé en langue étrangère, il devra en outre être accompagné de sa “traduction”. Plus précisément,


If the parties wish to set up an general partnership, they must respect the specific rules laid down in this regard by the Civil Code, bearing in mind, in any case that, for many aspects, the law refers the reader to the provisions regulating informal partnerships, which consequently apply equally to general partnerships. So that, in the light the foregoing, the present file foresees multiple referrals to the subjects already dealt with and developed with regard to the informal partners


A conveyance differs substantially from an exchange, a donation or a division. In an exchange, there is the reciprocal transfer of certain properties from one owner to another: basically, this means one property is exchanged for another but the exchange may also be accompanied by the passing of a sum of money as a balance if there is a difference in value between the properties exchanged. In a donation, there is always, as in the conveyance, the transfer of real estate, but there is no


This is the property regime whereby two spouses continue to accumulate assets after marriage exactly as though they were not married. An asset acquired by one spouse remains his or hers alone, and the other spouse has no rights over it.Naturally, the spouses may jointly acquire an asset but each may then resell (or donate) his or her half without the consent of the other (as opposed to what happens under the joint ownership regime).


As has been seen above, in order to determine the type of tax and the amount and means of payment of the sums due for duties on the purchase of a so-called primary residence, one must first of all take into account the nature of the vendor. When the vendor is the company that built (or renovated) the property and four years have not elapsed since completion, the conveyance is subject to VAT that the purchaser must pay directly to the company and not to the notary, along with the payment o


A property regime is the set of rules that govern property and the manner of administering assets belonging to a married couple so long as the marriage lasts and when the marriage ends for any reason (death, divorce).In other words, the property regime stipulates the rights that each spouse has over assets acquired (by one or other of the spouses or by both) during the marriage, both for the duration of the marriage and in the case where the marriage ends.In Italy the “normal” regime established


A joint-stock company must be set up through a public deed which must clearly indicate who the parties to the contract are. Such parties may be individuals but also legal entities (as for instance other joint-stock companies, partnerships, cooperatives or other bodies).The Memorandum of Association must indicate the Municipality in which the company has its registered office, which is where it operates, and the name of the company which must contain the wording “"società per azioni" or "s.p.


If the parties wish to join forces by setting up a partnership, they can do this also by setting up a limited partnership (hereafter referred to as an s.a.s.).In general, the s.a.s. is governed by rules that govern the general partnership (for which in turn, reference is made to the rules laid down for informal partnerships), except for the specific provisions which will be examined below.Such a partnership is characterised by the presence of two categories of partners:- unlimited partners,


The limited liability company is intended for smaller companies than joint-stock companies, and the equity participation in the company has a personal connotation which is absent in the s.p.a.  In fact, it has a limited number of shareholders who are not personally responsible for the social security liabilities, even if they have acted in the name and on behalf of the company.The legislation in place as of 1 January 2004 has had a major impact on the limited liability company, which is an e


The board of statutory auditors is the audit body of the joint-stock companies that adopt the traditional system:  it has the task of monitoring the company’s compliance with the law and the Memorandum of Association and has a supervisory function with regard to the actions of management. The Board of Auditors only exceptionally exercise accountancy control  and they do so only in closed companies, that is, companies which do not have recourse to the venture capital market, and only if envis


In early 2003 the Italian legislator issued a law decree (n° 6 of 17 January 2003) which thoroughly reformed companies limited by shares.  The declared aim was to simplify, where appropriate, and enrich, wherever possible, the rules governing such companies, with a view to increasing their competitiveness on both domestic and international markets.Many changes were made and the following results have been achieved:  a better, though still not complete, co-ordination between the rules governi


The Memorandum of Association must indicate the names of the unlimited partners. For all other aspects refer to the joint-stock company (please refer to the related paragraph).


By law all unlimited partners are directors of the s.a.s..However, the Memorandum of Association may entrust the management to one or some of the unlimited partners, excluding the other unlimited partners from the management.Unlimited partners who are directors are governed by the same rules as those laid down for s.n.c. directors.Their liability is identical to that of the partners in an s.n.c., and is accordingly unlimited and joint, with the benefit that the corporate assets are used to p


The consortium company is a particular form of consortium which operates under the same rules as those that govern the consortium that carries out external activities, set up for carrying out activities jointly with third parties. So this type of entity is organised like a company but it also has the function of a consortium.There are also mixed consortium companies, where some members are not  entrepreneurs but their presence in the enterprise is deemed instrumental for achieving the purpos


It has already been said that the unlimited partners are by right members of the management body of the company (directors or management board in the ordinary and in the two-tier system respectively).For all other aspects, please refer to the joint-stock companies (please refer to the related paragraph).


From the historic and regulatory point of view, the joint-stock company is the prototype of the company with share capital whose body of rules apply to the limited partnerships with share capital (s.a.p.a.), with which it is compatible, and in some respects they are very close to the rules that govern the limited liability company, which however makes little reference to the rules on joint-stock companies, which consequently do not directly apply. The joint-stock company (s.p.a.) differs fro


Limited partnerships with share capital is a modified form of a company with share capital in which permanent directors manage the company who have unlimited liability, also contingent liability, for  social security liabilities. The provisions that are specific for this type of company are reduced to a few which concern above all the management of the company by the unlimited partners.    The peculiar characteristic of this type of company consists in the co-existence of two different group


The dissolution and liquidation of an s.a.p.a. is governed in general by the rules put forth for companies with share capital and joint-stock companies, to which the reader is referred (please refer to the related paragraph).Besides the ordinary reasons for winding up a company with share capital, there is an additional reason which holds only for limited partnerships with share capital, i.e. the case in which all the unlimited partners step down from office and they are not replaced within


On the basis of the provisions in force as of 1 January 2004, the administration of joint-stock companies may be organised according to three separate models:  the traditional model, the monistic model (of Anglo-Saxon origin) and the two-tier model (of German origin).In the traditional model, the directors have the task of running the company, and are accordingly provided with the power of being pro-active i.e. promoting the decision-making activity of the meeting (power of initiative), of i


Special rules are laid down for the appointment and revocation of auditors and of the members of the supervisory board and, for the s.a.p.a. that are listed or subject to compulsory auditing, there are special rules for assigning or revoking the assignment to an audit firm.For all other aspects, please refer to the joint-stock companies (please refer to the related paragraph).


In particular, it is pointed out that there are different rules as compared with the s.p.a. for the adoption of certain decisions (amendments to the Memorandum of Association, revocation and replacement of directors, appointment and revocation of the members of the supervision board). Hence the need to seek the advice of a notary public.For all other aspects, please refer to the joint-stock companies (please refer to the related paragraph).


Amendments to the Memorandum of Association must be approved not only by the extraordinary meeting but also by all the unlimited partners. The advice of the notary public may be useful in deciding on issues related to this mode of approval. For all other aspects, please refer to the joint-stock companies (please refer to the related paragraph).


Co-operatives are associations of persons which are protected in the Italian Constitution:  in fact Article 45 of the Italian Constitution states: “the Constitution recognises the social function of co-operative societies that are based on the values of solidarity and that do not pursue goals of private profit”.In co-operatives predominant importance is ascribed to the social function, which consists in implementing a democratic decentralisation of the power of organisation and management of


Informal partnerships are the most elementary form of enterprise.The fundamental characteristic of an informal partnership is that the scope of its activities is limited to non-commercial profit-making economic activities.The scope of an informal partnership may therefore include:- agricultural activities, with certain limitations because:   the purpose of the enterprise cannot be merely that of using assets, but must consist in the joint operation of a business activity;  taci


Take the case in which the company has lost capital. What is the company allowed to do?In this connection the law envisages that, in case of losses, the company cannot distribute profits among the partners until the capital has been reduced or replenished by the corresponding amount.However, unlike what happens for companies with share capital, there is no obligation to reduce the capital whatever the amount of the losses incurred, even if the latter are such as to wipe out the  entire capit


The essential requirements for entering a partnership deed are three:- contributions;- jointly carrying out a business activity;- sharing in the earnings.


Let us take the case in which the Parties decide to undertake an entrepreneurial activity by setting up  a partnership.What would the general characteristics of such a company be?First of all, as regards the unlimited and joint liability of the partners:- in the case of a general partnership, all the partners have unlimited and joint liability;- in the case of an informal partnership, all the partners have unlimited and joint liability, but there can be an agreement whereby the partners who


The management of a company is the activity of running the corporate enterprise. The power of management is the power of carrying out any activity that falls within the scope of the corporate purpose.When the management of the company falls on more than one partner (all or some), and the partnership contract makes no provision on how the power of management is to be exercised, then the notion of  separate management shall apply:  each partner is a director, that is, he has the power of manag


In  share capital companies the financial autonomy is perfect in that the shareholders are accountable for the debts of the company only in proportion to the share they hold.This means:- that the personal creditors of a shareholder can never receive payment from the company;- that creditors of the company, in turn, can never expect the members to use their personal assets to pay for the company’s debts.The financial circumstances of the shareholder of a company with share capital will never


Carrying out an economic activity jointly in the form of a company is aimed at making a profit (objective profit) subsequently to be shared among the shareholders (subjective profit).  The companies that pursue this aim are called profit-making companies (partnerships and companies with share capital).There are however other types of companies (cooperatives) which by law pursue a mutual aim that is different from profit-making.Their typical aim is to provide the members with direct advantage


Contributions are the assets that the partners are obliged to provide under the partnership deed.In other terms, the contributions are the resources that the partners contribute to create the initial assets of the company.It is their function to provide the company with the initial capital required to carry out the company’s activity.Through the contribution each partner allocates a part of his personal assets to the common activity throughout the lifetime of the company and takes on the ent


In setting up a company, it is desirable to be assisted by a notary who will help you choose the form of company that, from the organizational standpoint, is best suited to achieving the corporate purpose.From the organizational point of view, companies can be distinguished into the following types:a. PartnershipsThese include:- informal partnerships;- general partnerships;- limited partnerships. b. Companies limited by shares These comprise:- joint-stoc


In order to do business often huge investments are required and often a single person may not have that amount of financial means. Doing business through a company enables several people to invest and work together so that each individual may then enjoy the benefits of the activity carried out proportionately to the amount of work done and to the quota of investments made.A participation (share or quota) of the capital of the company is assigned to the partner in return for the assets he has


It is extremely simple to set up an informal partnership:- the contract needs not be of any special type, except where special types of assets are involved (and except for evidentiary limitations);- all that is needed to set up an informal partnership is the mutual engagement by the partners to jointly carry out a non-commercial profit-making activity;- informal partnerships must be entered into the register of companies. Such registration takes place in a special section and does not imply


Individuals interested in becoming partners, whether they be natural persons, companies, associations or in general, entities, must have the legal capacity to act, i.e. carry out transactions that are valid from a legal standpoint.Can joint-stock companies  be members of a partnership? The issue was a matter for debate up to recently, but an affirmative solution was provided by the law that entered into force as of January 1 2004.Participation by other entities in companies can give rise to


Parties wishing to set up a company must enter into a contract: company agreement (Memorandum of Association) under which two or more persons transfer assets or services for doing business jointly with the aim of sharing the ensuing profits.The legal system also envisages the establishment of a business entity by a single person through a unilateral deed: for instance a stock company with a single shareholder, a one-man limited responsibility company, or a spin-off decided by the shareholder


The relationship between a partner and the company ends automatically when the partner dies. Within six months from his death, the surviving partners have the duty of returning the share held by the dead partner to his heirs. The surviving partners are not obliged to accept that the heirs of the deceased member should succeed him by taking his place in the company.The surviving partners have two options they can choose from. They may either decide:- to wind up the company in advance;- to car