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Forse cercavi: lump lui eum cum sum

Further comment has appeared on the England and Wales Family Court's decision to pierce the corporate veil in the financial remedy case of Akhmedova v Akhmedov (2018 EWFC 23 Fam). The judge considered it necessary to go against the long-standing legal principle, in response to Farkhad Akhmedov's 'continuing campaign to defeat his ex-wife by concealing his assets in a web of offshore companies', and issued orders to aid her enforcement of the judgment in the Isle of Man and Dubai FATTO


ESTATE DISPUTES: Some important judgments from last month


Il dott. Giacomo Ridella


MUTUI - La Guida di Banca d'Italia al mutuo ipotecario in lingua inglese


Angelo Busani è nato a Parma il 4 ottobre 1960. Svolge la professione di notaio in Milano, con studio in via Cordusio n. 2. Conosce le lingue francese e inglese. Ha prestato il servizio militare nel Corpo degli Alpini (1980-1981). Prima dell’attività notarile ha svolto diversi lavori per finanziare i propri studi, tra cui quelli di operaio e di giornalista (è stato iscritto all’Ordine dei Giornalisti dal 1979). Nel 1982 ha vinto il primo premio del concorso giornalistico nazionale "Per la


As has been seen above, in order to determine the type of tax and the amount and means of payment of the sums due for duties on the purchase of a so-called primary residence, one must first of all take into account the nature of the vendor. When the vendor is the company that built (or renovated) the property and four years have not elapsed since completion, the conveyance is subject to VAT that the purchaser must pay directly to the company and not to the notary, along with the payment o


Au début de 2003 le législateur italien a promulgué un décret législatif (n° 6 du 17 janvier 2003) qui a apporté des réformes profondes au système des sociétés de capitaux. L’objectif déclaré était la simplification, là où cela était opportun, et l’enrichissement, là où c’était possible, de la réglementation intéressant ces organismes pour les rendre plus compétitifs sur les marchés nationaux et internationaux. Nombreux ont été les changements, et ils ont eu comme résultat une meilleure