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Risultati ricerca


PATTO DI FAMIGLIA - Volume disponibile in libreria e on line


Lo Studio Notarile è organizzato secondo un modello specialistico "a matrice", vale a dire che le persone addette allo Studio svolgono ciascuna un proprio compito particolare (per il quale sono adeguatamente ed estremamente preparate, essendo sottoposte a una continuativa attività di formazione) che è strettamente correlato e coordinato al compito specifico di altre persone. Il lavoro quotidiano è svolto secondo rigidi protocolli operativi, configurati secondo criteri di efficienza e qualità.


BLOOMBERG - There’s not a lot of amore among investors these days for Italy


TITOLI DI STATO ITALIANO - Record negativo di acquisti da parte di investitori esteri


Eurozona: maggiore espansione dei nuovi ordini a giugno


Why We're Staying Away from BTPs


Quali settori crescono di più in Europa a maggio ?


Vendite al dettaglio in Italia ad aprile


Cosa ne pensano gli italiani dell'Euro ?


INFLAZIONE - In crescita nell'Eurozona


IMPOSTE - La Guida dell'Agenzia Entrate sulle agevolazioni per chi porta la residenza in Italia


INTERNATIONAL - FRANCE: Legal entities must comply with reporting obligations by April


PHILANTHROPY: Ikea's late founder structured business as three foundations


INTERNATIONAL - AUSTRALIA: Consequences of using foreign trusts for capital gains


Limited partnership structures can be set up in the BVI from early 2018, in the hope of attracting private equity funds and joint venture vehicles, for which onshore tax transparency is required. They do not need to have a BVI-based general partner.


IMPOSTA DI SUCCESSIONE E DONAZIONE - SPAIN: Andalusia increases inheritance tax exemption


COMPRAVENDITA - NEW ZEALAND: Government tightens ban on foreigners' land purchases


TRUST - NETHERLANDS: Tougher regulation of trust offices


GERMANY: Expat businessman challenges exit tax for move to Switzerland


WEALTH MANAGEMENT - JERSEY: Success for plaintiffs in USD200 million Crociani case


WEALTH MANAGEMENT - FRANCE: Foreign resident's children cannot invoke forced heirship law


'Foundation company' vehicle established in Cayman Islands


EFFICIENZA ENERGETICA - Il 53% degli investimenti nell'edilizia residenziale


INTERNATIONAL - The risk factors Guidelines


INTERNATIONAL - UK, TRUSTS: online trusts register is delayed


INTERNATIONAL - HONG KONG: Multiple property stamp duty gap axed


INTERNATIONAL - Cayman Islands: Beneficial ownership regime ready for launch


La disciplina in tema di patto di famiglia prevede espressamente che all’atto negoziale prendano parte <<l’ imprenditore>>, i discendenti ai quali egli intende trasferire l’azienda di famiglia (o le partecipazioni che la rappresentino) e <<anche il coniuge e tutti coloro che sarebbero legittimari ove in quel momento si aprisse la successione nel patrimonio dell’ imprenditore>>. Vediamo dunque nel dettaglio chi sono i protagonisti del patto di famiglia.a) L’imprenditor


Notaries and business


For many years now, in Italy and throughout the world,  the associative phenomenon has encountered ever greater consideration, in addition to a growing enthusiasm. The explanation of this progressive attention may be found in the ever more widespread awareness that the ideas, dreams and projects that each individual nourishes in the course of his/her existence may be concretely expressed, not only through acting in isolation, also by following a path which leads a number of persons to join f

02/08/2014 - Articolo del notaio

SOCIETA' - Trasparenza nella liquidazione dei manager


2014-08 - SOCIETA - Trasparenza nella liquidazione dei manager

04/01/2012 - Articolo del notaio



09/02/2011 - Articolo del notaio

02/01/2011 - Articolo del notaio




Angelo Busani è nato a Parma il 4 ottobre 1960. Svolge la professione di notaio in Milano, con studio in via Cordusio n. 2. Conosce le lingue francese e inglese. Ha prestato il servizio militare nel Corpo degli Alpini (1980-1981). Prima dell’attività notarile ha svolto diversi lavori per finanziare i propri studi, tra cui quelli di operaio e di giornalista (è stato iscritto all’Ordine dei Giornalisti dal 1979). Nel 1982 ha vinto il primo premio del concorso giornalistico nazionale "Per la


Il passaggio generazionale è una fase problematica e delicata che si presenta sia nelle imprese medio-grandi che in quelle più piccole, principalmente in quelle a conduzione familiare. Per facilitare il passaggio generazionale, si ricorre a strumenti giuridici efficaci e sicuri che si applicano all’interno dello stesso rapporto di amministrazione fiduciaria. L’imprenditore uscente cede la proprietà dell’azienda ai futuri eredi con un atto di donazione, ma ne mantiene il controllo effettivo. Gli


La consulenza sulla successione generazionale è un’attività molto importante poiché riguarda una fase delicata che si presenta sia nelle imprese medio-grandi che in quelle più piccole, principalmente in quelle a conduzione familiare. La consulenza sulla successione generazionale è basilare poi nell’uso di strumenti giuridici efficaci e sicuri che si applicano all’interno dello stesso rapporto di amministrazione fiduciaria. L’imprenditore uscente cede la proprietà dell’azienda ai futuri eredi con


La successione generazionale è uno stadio molto delicato dell’evoluzione di un’azienda, che esse siano medio-grandi o più piccole, generalmente in quelle a conduzione familiare. Per agevolare la successione generazionale, si ricorre a strumenti giuridici certi che possono applicarsi all’interno dello stesso rapporto di amministrazione fiduciaria. L’imprenditore uscente cede la proprietà dell’azienda ai suoi futuri eredi con un atto di donazione, ma ne mantiene il controllo effettivo. Gli ere


La consulenza sulla successione generazionale è un’attività molto importante poiché riguarda una fase delicata che si presenta sia nelle imprese medio-grandi che in quelle più piccole, principalmente in quelle a conduzione familiare. La consulenza sulla successione generazionale è basilare poi nell’uso di strumenti giuridici efficaci e sicuri che si applicano all’interno dello stesso rapporto di amministrazione fiduciaria. L’imprenditore uscente cede la proprietà dell’azienda ai futuri eredi con


Notaries provide the community with a complex service, they carry out a public function of the State within the framework of an independent profession. The notarial deed not only regulates transactions between parties, but it provides added value in at least three respects: - a contract signed before a notary is unchallengable and hence it avoids expensive and time-consuming litigation procedures; - it is enforceable and hence it can be used to recover credits and it constitutes pri


The notarial profession has always been, and continues to be, one that is more than ready to adopt new technology. It is sufficient to recall that from the 1960s on, any and all notaries' offices moved rapidly from traditional typewriters and duplicators to the most sophisticated photocopiers and PCs with large-capacity memories. The reason for notaries' particular attention to technological developments of this kind is evident. For over 2000 years the notary's job has been to create and con


Since 12 September 2002, the Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato has been registered in the public list of certifiers of digital signatures held by AIPA, as the certification authority for Italian notaries. The digital signatures of Italian notaries may be verified on the site http://ca.notariato.it. Based on the rules and the certification authority's operations manual, CNN certifies notaries' digital signatures in the exercise of their functions and so guarantees to third parties not only


Notartel S.p.A. was set up in 1997 in a partnership between the Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato (National Council of Notaries) and the Cassa Nazionale del Notariato (National Notaries' Fund) with the aim of creating and managing information and communications services for Italian notaries. Notartel links all Italian notaries by way of an intranet called Rete Unitaria del Notariato (RUN, or Unified Notarial Network), offering the services typical of an internet provider, such as access t


The system manages certified mail through a dedicated domain used for the transmission of electronic documents having full legal validity.


The Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato (C.N.N.) is the professional order of notaries. It is made up of 20 notaries directly elected by all practising notaries in three-yearly elections. There is a limit of two consecutive mandates. The three members of the Audit Committee are elected according to the same procedure.The 20 elected councillors, after they are installed in office, nominate a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and an Executive Committee. The tasks of the Consiglio Na


This underpins the National Council of Notaries' role as certifier and manager of notaries' digital signatures. Becoming a qualified certifier has allowed the CNN to execute the formalities with full legal validity, since the digital signature issued by the National Council of Notaries is the only one that also certifies a notary's status as currently practising.


The limited liability company is intended for smaller companies than joint-stock companies, and the equity participation in the company has a personal connotation which is absent in the s.p.a.  In fact, it has a limited number of shareholders who are not personally responsible for the social security liabilities, even if they have acted in the name and on behalf of the company.The legislation in place as of 1 January 2004 has had a major impact on the limited liability company, which is an e


The board of statutory auditors is the audit body of the joint-stock companies that adopt the traditional system:  it has the task of monitoring the company’s compliance with the law and the Memorandum of Association and has a supervisory function with regard to the actions of management. The Board of Auditors only exceptionally exercise accountancy control  and they do so only in closed companies, that is, companies which do not have recourse to the venture capital market, and only if envis


In early 2003 the Italian legislator issued a law decree (n° 6 of 17 January 2003) which thoroughly reformed companies limited by shares.  The declared aim was to simplify, where appropriate, and enrich, wherever possible, the rules governing such companies, with a view to increasing their competitiveness on both domestic and international markets.Many changes were made and the following results have been achieved:  a better, though still not complete, co-ordination between the rules governi


Limited partners are excluded, in principle, from managing the company.However, they may negotiate or conclude individual deals on behalf of the company, providing they have received a specific proxy or authorisation empowering them to do so.Each limited partner is responsible for social security liabilities in a degree that is proportionate to the contribution they made to the company. Accordingly he/she does not assume any other risks, except that of losing the value of the capital he/she


By law all unlimited partners are directors of the s.a.s..However, the Memorandum of Association may entrust the management to one or some of the unlimited partners, excluding the other unlimited partners from the management.Unlimited partners who are directors are governed by the same rules as those laid down for s.n.c. directors.Their liability is identical to that of the partners in an s.n.c., and is accordingly unlimited and joint, with the benefit that the corporate assets are used to p


It has already been said that the unlimited partners are by right members of the management body of the company (directors or management board in the ordinary and in the two-tier system respectively).For all other aspects, please refer to the joint-stock companies (please refer to the related paragraph).


The functioning of the company with share capital, in its traditional model, is based on the necessary simultaneous presence of three bodies:  the shareholders’ meeting, the board of directors and the board of statutory auditors, each of which has its own distinct sphere of competence. Accounts are audited by an auditor or by an audit firm, except for closed companies where this is decided in the By-laws.The shareholders’ meeting, which is a sovereign body since it is empowered to decide on


Limited partnerships with share capital is a modified form of a company with share capital in which permanent directors manage the company who have unlimited liability, also contingent liability, for  social security liabilities. The provisions that are specific for this type of company are reduced to a few which concern above all the management of the company by the unlimited partners.    The peculiar characteristic of this type of company consists in the co-existence of two different group


The dissolution and liquidation of an s.a.p.a. is governed in general by the rules put forth for companies with share capital and joint-stock companies, to which the reader is referred (please refer to the related paragraph).Besides the ordinary reasons for winding up a company with share capital, there is an additional reason which holds only for limited partnerships with share capital, i.e. the case in which all the unlimited partners step down from office and they are not replaced within


On the basis of the provisions in force as of 1 January 2004, the administration of joint-stock companies may be organised according to three separate models:  the traditional model, the monistic model (of Anglo-Saxon origin) and the two-tier model (of German origin).In the traditional model, the directors have the task of running the company, and are accordingly provided with the power of being pro-active i.e. promoting the decision-making activity of the meeting (power of initiative), of i


Co-operatives are associations of persons which are protected in the Italian Constitution:  in fact Article 45 of the Italian Constitution states: “the Constitution recognises the social function of co-operative societies that are based on the values of solidarity and that do not pursue goals of private profit”.In co-operatives predominant importance is ascribed to the social function, which consists in implementing a democratic decentralisation of the power of organisation and management of


The rules governing general partnerships are in may respects similar to those laid down for informal partnerships (please refer to the related paragraph).


Informal partnerships are the most elementary form of enterprise.The fundamental characteristic of an informal partnership is that the scope of its activities is limited to non-commercial profit-making economic activities.The scope of an informal partnership may therefore include:- agricultural activities, with certain limitations because:   the purpose of the enterprise cannot be merely that of using assets, but must consist in the joint operation of a business activity;  taci


IL PATTO DI FAMIGLIA 1. IntroduzioneCon l’introduzione nel nostro ordinamento del “patto di famiglia”, istituto da tempo atteso e caldeggiato, la trasmissione della ricchezza familiare, prevalentemente rappresentata dall’impresa e/o caratterizzata da una predominante dimensione mobiliare, può essere oggi programmata con lungimiranza.Per lungo (forse troppo) tempo le norme che nel nostro ordinamento disciplinano le successioni mortis causa sono rimaste del tutto indifferent


The management of a company is the activity of running the corporate enterprise. The power of management is the power of carrying out any activity that falls within the scope of the corporate purpose.When the management of the company falls on more than one partner (all or some), and the partnership contract makes no provision on how the power of management is to be exercised, then the notion of  separate management shall apply:  each partner is a director, that is, he has the power of manag


In its Memorandum of Association each company must indicate an office address where it will presumably carry out its administrative and management activities.The company may set up one or more branch offices where it carries out its business, with an organizational and administrative autonomy, and normally with a stable representative.


Individuals who set up a company do so because they want to carry out a given economic activity together with other individuals.  This activity is the corporate purpose and must be indicated in the Memorandum of Association.  It may be changed during the life-time of the company only in accordance with the amendment rules envisaged in the Memorandum of Association.The activity must be a productive activity, i.e. a business aimed at producing or trading goods or providing services, while it c