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Providing Best Solutions in a
       framework of Legal Certainty

Risultati ricerca


Lo Studio Notarile è organizzato secondo un modello specialistico "a matrice", vale a dire che le persone addette allo Studio svolgono ciascuna un proprio compito particolare (per il quale sono adeguatamente ed estremamente preparate, essendo sottoposte a una continuativa attività di formazione) che è strettamente correlato e coordinato al compito specifico di altre persone. Il lavoro quotidiano è svolto secondo rigidi protocolli operativi, configurati secondo criteri di efficienza e qualità.


When a property conveyance takes place, the Italian tax laws stipulate the payment of certain taxes and charges which generally must be paid, at the time the notarial contract is stipulated, to the notary himself who thus undertakes the “irksome” task of tax collector. Such taxes are mostly payable by the purchaser. At the time of purchase, the system taxes the “wealth” indirectly manifested by the purchaser which consists of the price paid for the purchase of the property (so-called i


The italian Notary



Notaries have as their essential mission to confer authenticity on the legal instruments and contracts they establish for their clients in various areas of law




Les actes notariés peuvent être des actes publics ou des actes sous seing privé authentifiés. L’acte public doit être rédigé par le notaire, alors que l’acte sous seing privé peut également être rédigé par d’autres (en fait, par quiconque). Le code de déontologie notariale établit que, même lorsque le notaire est appelé à authentifier un acte sous seing privé rédigé par d’autres (soit par les parties soit par des professionnels ou d’autres personnes de confiance), il doit s’assurer que ce


Notaries provide the community with a complex service, they carry out a public function of the State within the framework of an independent profession. The notarial deed not only regulates transactions between parties, but it provides added value in at least three respects: - a contract signed before a notary is unchallengable and hence it avoids expensive and time-consuming litigation procedures; - it is enforceable and hence it can be used to recover credits and it constitutes pri


The Notary as existing in Italy belongs to the “latin (o roman)  notarial system”. The “latin notary” system is largely spread around the world, adopted by approximately 71 countries, mostly belonging to the civil law system. Although the same word “public notary” is used within the “common law” legal systems, it must be underlined very clearly from the beginning that the concept (the meaning) behind the word in the civil law system and in the common law system is completely, absolutel


Le notaire fournit une prestation complexe dans l’exercice d’une fonction publique de l’État, qu’il pratique comme libre profession. L’acte authentique, loin de n’intéresser que la relation entre les parties, comporte une valeur ajoutée sous un triple aspect:- la sécurité du contrat, qui évite aux parties de longs et coûteux litiges en justice;- sa force exécutoire en termes de récupération des crédits et de preuve privilégiée dans les procès;- la certitude générale des droits, en r


Les parties doivent choisir le notaire de commun accord ou, en l’absence d’accord, c’est la partie tenue au paiement des honoraires et au remboursement des frais anticipés par le notaire qui doit faire ce choix. Dans les actes notariés auxquels participent des organismes publics ou des banques, si le coût de l’acte notarié n’est pas à leur charge, la règle veut que le choix du notaire soit confié à l’autre partie, sauf motif justifié. Le choix du notaire ne doit pas être imposé par d’a


Le notaire garantit que l’acte notarié est conforme à la volonté des parties, qu’il l’a vérifié et conformé aux règles impératives de la loi (c’est-à-dire aux normes auxquelles ne peuvent déroger les parties). Il est en effet responsable de la nullité de l’acte notarié si celui-ci est manifestement illicite ou illégal, si l’annulation a lieu à défaut de la capacité légale de l’une des parties d’y participer en raison de son âge ou de son évidente incapacité d’entendre et de vouloir, ou po


The notarial profession has always been, and continues to be, one that is more than ready to adopt new technology. It is sufficient to recall that from the 1960s on, any and all notaries' offices moved rapidly from traditional typewriters and duplicators to the most sophisticated photocopiers and PCs with large-capacity memories. The reason for notaries' particular attention to technological developments of this kind is evident. For over 2000 years the notary's job has been to create and con


«D’autant plus notaire, d’autant moins juge». Avec cette phrase, un célèbre juriste (Carnelutti) a défini la fonction essentielle du notaire (c’est là la plus importante activité que la loi confie au notaire). Dés lors plus le notaire accompli scrupuleusement son travail, à savoir vérifier et interpréter la volonté des parties (des personnes) qui concluent un contrat et rédiger conformément à la loi et avec clarté les clauses qui s’y rattachent, moins il est nécessaire d’avoir recours au


Since 12 September 2002, the Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato has been registered in the public list of certifiers of digital signatures held by AIPA, as the certification authority for Italian notaries. The digital signatures of Italian notaries may be verified on the site http://ca.notariato.it. Based on the rules and the certification authority's operations manual, CNN certifies notaries' digital signatures in the exercise of their functions and so guarantees to third parties not only


Depuis le 12 septembre 2002, le Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato est inscrit dans la liste publique des certificateurs de la signature numérique, tenue par l’AIPA (Autorité pour l’informatique dans l’administration publique), en tant qu’autorité de certification des notaires italiens. Les signatures numériques des notaires italiens peuvent être contrôlées sur le site http://ca.notariato.it Sur la base de la réglementation et du manuel opérationnel de l’autorité de certification, le Consi


Le Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato (C.N.N.) est l’ordre professionnel de la catégorie. Il se compose de vingt notaires, directement élus par tous les notaires en exercice, pour un mandat d’une durée de trois ans; ne sont consentis que deux mandats consécutifs. Les mêmes modalités sont suivies pour l’élection des trois membres du Collège des Commissaires aux comptes. Suite à leur installation, les vingt conseillers élus désignent le Président, le Vice Président, le Sécrétaire et le Co


Le notaire italien appartient à la famille des notariats de type latin, présents dans 76 nations et dans la plupart des pays européens, tels que la France, l’Allemagne, la Suisse, l’Espagne, les Pays-Bas, la Belgique, l’Autriche, et d’autres encore. Le notary public de type anglo-saxon (présent en Grande-Bretagne, aux Etats-Unis et dans d’autres pays) n’est responsable que de l’authenticité des signatures: ce qui oblige lors de l’achat ou de la vente d’un logement chacune des parties à re


Lorsqu’il s’agit d’un acte public, le notaire est tenu à la lecture intégrale de celui-ci aux parties (devant témoins, si l’acte est stipulé avec l’assistance de témoins). La lecture de l’acte ne peut être ni hâtive ni incomplète; et l’obligation de la lecture n’est pas respectée si les parties sont à une distance ne leur permettant pas de l’entendre clairement. Les parties peuvent demander au notaire une photocopie de l’acte, pour en suivre plus aisément la lecture à haute voix. Po


Having broached subjects from the vendor's point of view as well, it is useful to recall that the burdensome INVIM (a tax originally levied on the vendor consequent upon his sale of a property) has been definitively abolished, to the great relief of the notary as well, given not only the complexity of calculating it but also (as always) the irksome role of tax collector that the law imposed on him. Nevertheless, it is helpful to emphasize that the vendor may still have to pay certain sums


As from 1 January 2006, it has been possible to meet the taxation requirements on some real estate transfers at the land registry's valuation, regardless of the price agreed and shown in the contract. The rule that first introduced the price-value concept was Article 1, Paragraph 497 of Law no. 266 of 23 December 2005 (2006 Budget); there were two subsequent amendments: Article 35, Paragraph 21 of Legislative Decree no. 223 of 4 July 2006, converted with modifications into Law no. 248 of


The system grants access to all the data stored in the archives of the Land Registry, the technical offices of the Taxation Department, the Companies Registry, the Motor Registry and, in the near future, the Notarial Archives too.


Notartel S.p.A. was set up in 1997 in a partnership between the Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato (National Council of Notaries) and the Cassa Nazionale del Notariato (National Notaries' Fund) with the aim of creating and managing information and communications services for Italian notaries. Notartel links all Italian notaries by way of an intranet called Rete Unitaria del Notariato (RUN, or Unified Notarial Network), offering the services typical of an internet provider, such as access t


Legalization is indispensable for a foreign public document to be valid in Italy. It consists only of the official certification - by the competent Italian consular or diplomatic authority abroad – of the legal status of the public official (or functionary) who has signed the document and the authenticity of his signature. If the document is issued by a foreign authority in Italy, it must be legalized by the Prefect in the district in which the foreign authority is located (except for the


The system provides access to legal documentation that is useful for the exercise of the notarial profession, both internal to the profession and supplied by agreement with external editors; an archive of legal documentation (the Notarial Data Base) contains approximately 40,000 documents (studies by the National Council of Notaries, jurisprudence of interest, the science of law). The material is accessible by way of a search engi


L’achat ou la vente d’un bien immobilier donne lieu pour les deux parties à des droits et à des obligations. À certains droits revenant à l’un des contractants correspondent en effet des devoirs analogues à la charge de la contrepartie, ce qui fait que le vendeur aussi bien que l’acheteur se trouvent liés réciproquement par des attentes à satisfaire et de obligations à respecter. Si certains de ces droits ou de ces obligations tels que le fait de payer/recevoir le prix et céder/recevoi


Home loans are generally guaranteed by a mortgage and so are the preserve, in our legal system, of the notary. The presence of the notarial profession has become more significant with the recent increase in the number of such contracts, a result of the lower cost of money (though this is still subject to fluctuations) and improvements in living standards that allow an ever greater number of citizens to aspire to the ownership of their home and often of a second home as well. Year after ye


When someone dies it is advisable to immediately obtain information on the transfer of the succession, that is, it has to be ascertained whether the succession – in the case in point – will be regulated by the law (since the deceased person has not left a will) or else, wholly or in part, by a will.Death is a grave and important event, on the basis of which different provisions of the law may take effect, besides the will of the deceased;  in order to avoid even important unforeseen consequences


Fluctuations in the cost of money may, in some cases, make it advisable to “make running changes” to the terms of a mortgage: such changes, in economics, are known as renegotiation. There are various legal methods for achieving this: a) discharge of the old home loan and granting of new financing with a new mortgage (“replacement” home loan); b) merely changing the terms of the old home loan (renegotiation in the strictest sense); c) from 2 February 2007, subrog


In recent times, by computerizing the documentary processes of interest to its activity and its interaction with the Public Administration, the notarial profession has contributed responsibly and professionally to improving citizens' lives in terms of the quantity and quality of services, in the time saved in dealing with the various types of transactions and the fulfilling of formal requirements, and in legal certainty obviating subsequent litigation: - 0.0 % corporate litigation; - 0


Latin notaries  (at least  in Europe)  have a law degree. They may or may not have passed the bar examination. In  Italy, however, they are not allowed to practice both legal professions at the same time. To be allowed to practice the notarial profession, they must get through a very rigorous and competitive examination and, unlike the solicitors, their number is fixed by the law. In most civil law countries, the Latin notary is compelled to avail his services to whoever asks for th


The Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato (C.N.N.) is the professional order of notaries. It is made up of 20 notaries directly elected by all practising notaries in three-yearly elections. There is a limit of two consecutive mandates. The three members of the Audit Committee are elected according to the same procedure.The 20 elected councillors, after they are installed in office, nominate a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and an Executive Committee. The tasks of the Consiglio Na


Afin d’éviter que les honoraires du notaire, qui, comme toute prestation professionnelle, sont calculés sur le prix réel ne dissuadent éventuellement de l’application de la nouvelle législation, le législateur a prescrit que ceux-ci soient réduits; cette réduction est fixée à 30 pour cent. Le Conseil national du notariat, en vue de garantir la pleine application de la nouvelle législation et accueillant les instances des associations des consommateurs a décidé que la réduction ne s’appliquer


When does one need a notary? The areas covered by Italian notaries are mainly:a) the purchase of a house or other real property;b) the formalization of a mortgage contract with a Bank;c) the preparation of powers of attorney so as to be represented by a third party;d) changes to property arrangements between spouses;e) applications to a court for authorizations regarding minor children;f) donation of assets;g) setting up of and changes to companies, and all relevant legal documents;h) acceptance


Le fait de déposer “formellement” un acte près du notaire, que ce soit la loi qui l’exige (article 33 D.P.R. 445/2000; article 106 de la loi notariale) ou que ce soit sur demande d’une personne a comme but et comme résultat d’imposer en premier lieu un contrôle de la légalité de l’acte déposé (à savoir la vérification que son contenu n’est pas contraire à des normes de loi contraignantes) et en garantit en outre la conservation dans le temps. Le contrôle sur le contenu de l’acte étranger


As has been seen above, in order to determine the type of tax and the amount and means of payment of the sums due for duties on the purchase of a so-called primary residence, one must first of all take into account the nature of the vendor. When the vendor is the company that built (or renovated) the property and four years have not elapsed since completion, the conveyance is subject to VAT that the purchaser must pay directly to the company and not to the notary, along with the payment o


The conveyance may rightly be considered the notarial transaction par excellence, considering all the actions the law imposes on the notary following settlement (to cite the more important ones: filing, cadastral registration, transcription, notification of the competent authorities specified by law etc.). It is the notary who writes the contract after having established the intentions of the parties and after having obtained all useful information and carried out all the necessary search


La transaction immobilière peut à juste titre être considérée comme l’acte notarié par excellence, entre autres également au vu de toutes les obligations que la loi impose au notaire comme conséquence de la conclusion de l’acte (pour n’en évoquer que les plus importantes: l’inscription aux registres, le transfert du droit de propriété, la transcription, les communications aux autorités compétentes prévues par la loi …). C’est le notaire qui rédige le contrat, après s’être enquis de la vol


Only legal security in business and private relationships allow for economic development; therefore a constitutional state must guarantee  legal security to its citizens. To this goal: 1) lawsuits  must be prevented, for as much as possible; 2) the citizens must have access  to public registers whose records are reliable and legally trustworthy. Clearly the reliability of the findings depends entirely upon the trustworthiness of the deeds entered. An authentic deed, drawn by a


This is a simplified – but absolutely rigid - form of legalization (in the sense that it must have  exactly all the formal characteristics stipulated in the sample attached to the Hague Convention of 5/10/1961 which governs it). It is valid in all the countries that have signed the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 and replaces legalization amongst those countries alone.Like legalization, an apostille may be indispensable for a foreign public document to be valid in Italy.Like legalization, an


Any change, even only a purely formal change, in the clauses of the by-laws of a company is considered to be an amendment to the by-laws.  As a rule this competence belongs to the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting and the relevant decision must be written in the minutes by a notary public and then registered with the Register of Companies.The decision must be taken by a majority vote, any clause in the bylaws setting forth that unanimity is required to change the Memorandum of Association


Lorsque un décès a lieu, il vaut mieux avoir immédiatement des informations sur la dévolution d’héritage, c’est-à-dire vérifier si – dans le cas concret – la succession sera réglementée par la loi (parce que le défunt n’a pas laissé de testament) ou bien, en tout ou en partie, par un testament.Il s’agit d’un événement grave et important, à la suite duquel peuvent s’appliquer différentes règles de loi, en sus de la volonté du défunt; afin d’éviter des conséquences imprévues, voire importantes