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Risultati ricerca


ESTATE DISPUTES: Some important judgments from last month


INTERNATIONAL - European Union: Taxation at source must take into account non-resident taxpayer's domestic costs


I piani di azionariato diffuso costituiscono una forma di retribuzione ed incentivazione dei dipendenti di una società. Attraverso i piani di azionariato diffuso i dipendenti acquistano il diritto - facoltà di sottoscrivere, gratuitamente o a titolo oneroso, le azioni della società stessa. I requisiti per l’esercizio del diritto di opzione sono: un prezzo determinato (c.d. exercise price), una certa data (expiration date) o scadenze prestabilite (exercise date). Prima della scadenza, il diritto


Un piano di stock options realizza una forma di rimunerazione ed incentivazione dei dipendenti di una società. Attraverso un piano di stock options i dipendenti della società in cui lavorano acquistano il diritto/facoltà di sottoscrivere, a titolo gratuito od oneroso, le azioni della società stessa. I requisiti per l’esercizio del diritto di opzione sono: un prezzo determinato (c.d. exercise price), una data certa (expiration date) o scadenze prestabilite (exercise date). Prima della scadenza, i


The conveyance may rightly be considered the notarial transaction par excellence, considering all the actions the law imposes on the notary following settlement (to cite the more important ones: filing, cadastral registration, transcription, notification of the competent authorities specified by law etc.). It is the notary who writes the contract after having established the intentions of the parties and after having obtained all useful information and carried out all the necessary search


Take the case in which the company has lost capital. What is the company allowed to do?In this connection the law envisages that, in case of losses, the company cannot distribute profits among the partners until the capital has been reduced or replenished by the corresponding amount.However, unlike what happens for companies with share capital, there is no obligation to reduce the capital whatever the amount of the losses incurred, even if the latter are such as to wipe out the  entire capit


The management of a company is the activity of running the corporate enterprise. The power of management is the power of carrying out any activity that falls within the scope of the corporate purpose.When the management of the company falls on more than one partner (all or some), and the partnership contract makes no provision on how the power of management is to be exercised, then the notion of  separate management shall apply:  each partner is a director, that is, he has the power of manag


The relationship between a partner and the company ends automatically when the partner dies. Within six months from his death, the surviving partners have the duty of returning the share held by the dead partner to his heirs. The surviving partners are not obliged to accept that the heirs of the deceased member should succeed him by taking his place in the company.The surviving partners have two options they can choose from. They may either decide:- to wind up the company in advance;- to car