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Currency repatriation requirements were extended on 14 April to cover loans issued by Russian residents to foreign borrowers, reducing the opportunities for businesses to shift funds abroad through non-repayable loans.

27/10/2016 - Articolo del notaio

SOCIETA' - Concordato preventivo - Offerte concorrenti


Il arrive fréquemment que, après avoir vu et choisi le bien immobilier à acheter, on se mette d’accord en grandes lignes avec la contrepartie, même si rien n’a encore été formalisé noir sur blanc. Il convient alors absolument dès ce moment de s’adresser au notaire, même avant la signature de l’avant-contrat d’achat/vente (qu’on appelle compromis). En effet, par l’avant-contrat les deux parties s’engagent à conclure avant une certaine date et à des conditions précises le contrat définit


La principale informazione riportata sull’ACE è il fabbisogno di energia primaria per il riscaldamento o la climatizzazione invernale (EPH), indicatore che, in base alle caratteristiche costruttive dell’involucro e alle tipologie impiantistiche installate, determina la classe energetica dell’edificio. Grazie al confronto con una semplice scala composta da otto caselle colorate dal verde (basso fabbisogno energetico) fino al rosso (alto fabbisogno), tutti i cittadini, anche i non esperti, pos


Having broached subjects from the vendor's point of view as well, it is useful to recall that the burdensome INVIM (a tax originally levied on the vendor consequent upon his sale of a property) has been definitively abolished, to the great relief of the notary as well, given not only the complexity of calculating it but also (as always) the irksome role of tax collector that the law imposed on him. Nevertheless, it is helpful to emphasize that the vendor may still have to pay certain sums


Comme nous avons abordé des sujets qui intéressent aussi l’optique du vendeur, il est opportun de ce point de vue de rappeler que la taxe INVIM si onéreuse (une taxe imposée à l’origine au vendeur à la suite de la cession d’un bien immobilier) a été abolie définitivement, un énorme double soulagement pour le notaire aussi, non seulement à cause de la complexité de son calcul, mais aussi (comme toujours) à cause du rôle si lourd de percepteur que la loi lui imposait. Ceci n’empêche q


One of the essential elements in the negotiation of a home loan is the delay allowed for  repayment of the capital, i.e. the duration. In general terms, one may say that the longer the duration of a home loan the lower the amount of each repayment instalment, which gives the borrower more breathing space; all this, however, means paying overall a larger amount in  interest, precisely because the capital is repaid more slowly. The practice also is that a longer duration


The purchase of a home is always an important step in our lives. Just as the sale of a property also carries significant overtones: from investment decisions, to the reordering of assets, to the need for generational change. Whether it be the purchase or the sale of a property, it is not something to be taken lightly. Indeed, these are extremely complex operations that are full of pitfalls and that cannot be undertaken without the advice of an expert. Are you aware of the rights and oblig


L’achat d’un logement représente toujours un moment important de notre vie, tout comme la vente d’un bien immobilier marque une étape extrêmement significative: de l’investissement à la transformation du patrimoine à la nécessité d’un passage générationnel. Dans les deux cas, l’achat ou la vente d’un bien immobilier n’est pas chose à prendre à la légère. Car en effet il s’agit d’opérations fort complexes et pleines d’embûches qu’il ne saurait être question d’affronter sans les conseils d’


Il trust ha una estesa possibilità di applicazione: può servire per suddividere reddito e patrimonio fra i discendenti, mantenere un patrimonio familiare unito nel tempo, proteggere figli minori in caso di divorzio, garantire creditori, gestire patti di sindacato, investire congiuntamente in una società, sostenere figlie che si sposano, assistere soggetti handicappati, controllare un gruppo industriale, rendere possibile la vendita di cespiti gravati da pesi, incassare crediti e ripartire il


La magistratura italiana ha immediatamente percepito le valenze positive dei trust "interni": la assoluta maggioranza delle pronunce dei giudici ne hanno riconosciuto la legittimità. Ne hanno fatto le spese anche i Conservatori dei registri immobiliari e del registro delle imprese che, dinanzi alla nuova figura giuridica, hanno istintivamente reagito affermando che i trasferimenti di immobili o di partecipazioni societarie a un soggetto nella veste di trustee non possono essere trascritti o


The corporate assets are the company’s assets and liabilities.  Initially they are made up of the contributions offered or promised by the partners.  During its life-time the corporate assets undergo changes depending on the business activities carried out. The assets and liabilities are audited regularly through the drawing up of the annual balance sheet.The net worth is the positive difference between assets and liabilities.The corporate assets also have the function of providing the compa


Le patrimoine social est l’ensemble des rapports juridiques actifs et passifs confluant dans la société.Il est constitué au départ par l’ensemble des apports effectués ou promis par les associés. Au cours de la vie de la société, le patrimoine social subit continuellement des variations en fonction des circonstances économiques de la société. Sa consistance (actifs et passifs) est périodiquement vérifiée par la rédaction annuelle du bilan d’exercice.On appelle patrimoine net la différence positi