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Risultati ricerca

Forse cercavi: prodi prove prova trovi privi
20/03/2019 - Articolo del notaio

DONAZIONE - Imposta di registro per il contratto risolutivo della donazione

04/03/2019 - Articolo del notaio

COMPRAVENDITA - La proprietà di immobili locati non osta all'agevolazione “prima casa”


Lo Studio Notarile è organizzato secondo un modello specialistico "a matrice", vale a dire che le persone addette allo Studio svolgono ciascuna un proprio compito particolare (per il quale sono adeguatamente ed estremamente preparate, essendo sottoposte a una continuativa attività di formazione) che è strettamente correlato e coordinato al compito specifico di altre persone. Il lavoro quotidiano è svolto secondo rigidi protocolli operativi, configurati secondo criteri di efficienza e qualità.

19/10/2018 - Articolo del notaio

IMPOSTA DI DONAZIONE - La donazione indiretta non fa coacervo

21/09/2018 - Articolo del notaio

IMPOSTA DI REGISTRO - Delegazione di pagamento


A will apparently executed in 2012 by John Payne, leaving most of his estate to his son by his first marriage, has been overturned on the grounds that the attesting witnesses' evidence was unreliable. The England and Wales Court of Appeal instead admitted to probate an earlier will leaving everything to Payne's second wife, despite significant doubts about that will's execution and attestation, too. FATTO


ESTATE DISPUTES: Some important judgments from last month


Currency repatriation requirements were extended on 14 April to cover loans issued by Russian residents to foreign borrowers, reducing the opportunities for businesses to shift funds abroad through non-repayable loans.


INTERNATIONAL - SPAIN: Foreign nationals can sue government over inheritance tax discrimination, following Supreme Court ruling


TUTELA DEL PATRIMONIO - Pronte le regole OCSE contro l’occultamento di patrimoni all’estero tramite trust e altri schemi


NETHERLANDS: Measures against 'letterbox companies' seek to improve country's reputation


INTERNATIONAL - UK: Foreign investors may be discouraged by capital gains tax on commercial property


INTERNATIONAL - FRANCE: Legal entities must comply with reporting obligations by April


INTERNATIONAL - AUSTRALIA: Consequences of using foreign trusts for capital gains


INTERNATIONAL - UK: Legislation this summer on register of foreign property-owners


INTERNATIONAL - FRANCE: Wealth property tax has significant effects for non-residents


The Japanese government's 2018 tax reform bill abolishes the recently introduced rule under which the heirs of a long-term resident foreigner who died outside Japan remain liable to Japanese inheritance tax (IHT) on estate assets anywhere in the world. The rule had threatened to derail the government's efforts to attract foreign talent to live and work in Japan, because it meant IHT liability could follow a foreign national for up to five years after leaving the country.


Limited partnership structures can be set up in the BVI from early 2018, in the hope of attracting private equity funds and joint venture vehicles, for which onshore tax transparency is required. They do not need to have a BVI-based general partner.


INTERNATIONAL - ISRAEL: Tax authority launches new voluntary disclosure programme


TRUST - LUXEMBOURG: Movement on beneficial ownership registers


INTERNATIONAL - UK: Alarm over extension of property taxes to non-residents


COMPRAVENDITA - NEW ZEALAND: Government tightens ban on foreigners' land purchases


TRUST - NETHERLANDS: Tougher regulation of trust offices


EUROPE: Commission publishes argument against UK's CFC exemption


MUTUI - La Guida di Banca d'Italia al mutuo ipotecario in lingua inglese


'Foundation company' vehicle established in Cayman Islands


INTERNATIONAL - The risk factors Guidelines


INTERNATIONAL - UK, TRUSTS: online trusts register is delayed


INTERNATIONAL - GERMANY: Restriction of loss relief declared unconstitutional


INTERNATIONAL - UK TRUSTS: Law implementing registers of trusts in force on 26 June 2017


INTERNATIONAL - EU: Court of Justice rules on dynamic IP addresses


INTERNATIONAL - UK: Information Commissioner warns of privacy threat from public registers of trusts


INTERNATIONAL - INDIA: Highest court rules that three days per year is enough to create permanent establishment


INTERNATIONAL - UK: Doubts cast on non-dom reforms' commencement date


INTERNATIONAL - Cayman Islands: Beneficial ownership regime ready for launch


INTERNATIONAL - European Union: Taxation at source must take into account non-resident taxpayer's domestic costs


SOCIETA' - Corporate Governance


TRIBUTI - Guida al contenzioso tributario


The italian Notary

10/10/2015 - Articolo del notaio

Atto costitutivo, statuto e assemblee di s.p.a., s.r.l., s.t.p., cooperative, consorzi, società di persone - Aumento e riduzione del capitale sociale - Fusione - Scissione - Trasformazione - Liquidazione


The civil law notary is at one and the same time a public official representing the State, and a professional expert in the juridical field. He/she is appointed by the Ministry of Justice and is assigned by the latter to a single Municipality, although, if required, he/she is empowered to carry out his/her functions throughout the territory of the District in which the place he/she is assigned to is located, coinciding approximately with that of the Province. Accordingly, although he/s


Le notaire est à la fois un officier public qui représente l’Etat et un expert dans le domaine juridique. Il est nommé par le Ministère de la Justice, et assigné par celui-ci à une Commune, avec toutefois la faculté d’exercer ses fonctions, le cas échéant, sur tout le territoire du District où est situé son siège d’assignation, et qui correspond à peu près à celui de la Province. Bien qu’il soit donc «physiquement» ancré à son territoire de référence, tout notaire peut, toujours en res


Il notaio è nel contempo un pubblico ufficiale che  rappresenta lo Stato, nonché un professionista esperto nel campo giuridico.È nominato dal Ministero della Giustizia ed è assegnato dallo stesso ad un singolo Comune, potendo tuttavia, ove richiesto, esercitare le sue funzioni in tutto il territorio del Distretto in cui è ubicata la sua sede di assegnazione, che, approssimativamente, coincide con quello della Provincia.Nonostante sia dunque “fisicamente” ancorato al territorio di sua c


It often happens that, after a prospective property has been inspected and chosen, substantial agreement is reached with the other party even if this is not yet formalized in written form. It is advisable to contact a notary at this early stage before signing the preliminary contract (the so-called “compromesso”). In the preliminary contract, both signatories undertake to stipulate the definitive sale contract by a certain date and on given conditions. The preliminary agreement (even i


The following are examples of what needs to be included in a proposal for sale or purchase and in a preliminary contract: - the precise description of the asset or assets; - the exact identification of the owner or owners and of the purchaser or purchasers; - the obligations of the vendor and of the purchaser; - the price of the sale and method of payment; - the conditions of the conveyance and relevant guarantees; - documentation of the history of the asset or assets; -


Notaries and real estates


Notaries and real estates


Notaries and citizens


For many years now, in Italy and throughout the world,  the associative phenomenon has encountered ever greater consideration, in addition to a growing enthusiasm. The explanation of this progressive attention may be found in the ever more widespread awareness that the ideas, dreams and projects that each individual nourishes in the course of his/her existence may be concretely expressed, not only through acting in isolation, also by following a path which leads a number of persons to join f


Notaries have as their essential mission to confer authenticity on the legal instruments and contracts they establish for their clients in various areas of law

26/11/2013 - Articolo del notaio

COMPRAVENDITA - Cessione di volumetria

13/08/2013 - Articolo del notaio

COMPRAVENDITA - ACE - Validità in Lombardia

26/07/2013 - Articolo del notaio

IMPOSTE - Imposta registro - Risoluzione di donazione

02/06/2013 - Articolo del notaio

MUTUO - Imposta su finanziamenti esteri

24/07/2012 - Articolo del notaio

COMPRAVENDITA - Atti notarili trascritti online in 91 province d'italia


2012 07 24 Atti notarili trascritti online in 91 province d'italia


La possibilità indicata al punto 9 dell'Allegato A del Decreto 26 giugno 2009 “Linee guida nazionali per la certificazione energetica degli edifici” non è applicabile in Regione Lombardia. All'interno del decreto (Art. 3, comma 3) è ribadita la clausola di cedevolezza di cui all'art. 17 del D. lgs. 192/05. E' infatti specificato che "le disposizioni contenute nelle Linee Guida si applicano per le regioni e province autonome che non abbiano ancora provveduto ad adottare propri strumenti di ce


La principale informazione riportata sull’ACE è il fabbisogno di energia primaria per il riscaldamento o la climatizzazione invernale (EPH), indicatore che, in base alle caratteristiche costruttive dell’involucro e alle tipologie impiantistiche installate, determina la classe energetica dell’edificio. Grazie al confronto con una semplice scala composta da otto caselle colorate dal verde (basso fabbisogno energetico) fino al rosso (alto fabbisogno), tutti i cittadini, anche i non esperti, pos

09/04/2011 - Articolo del notaio


Si dice “chiamato all’eredità” il soggetto che, per disposizione testamentaria o, in mancanza del testamento, per disposizione di legge, è legittimato ad accettare l’eredità e pertanto a divenire erede. La “chiamata” (o “vocazione”) ereditaria è dunque la situazione che si ha dal momento in cui la successione si apre (e cioè dal momento della morte del de cuius) fino a quando il chiamato diventa erede accettando appunto la “chiamata” che a lui proviene o dal testamento o dalla legge. Se però ch


L’atto istitutivo del trust è tassato con la sola imposta fissa di registro, pari a 168 euro. Invece, secondo l’Amministrazione Finanziaria (circolare n. 48/E del 6 agosto 2007) è soggetto a tassazione, con le regole proprie della imposta di donazione, l’atto con il quale il trust viene dotato di patrimonio, mentre non è soggetta ad alcun prelievo (perché assorbita nella predetta tassazione "iniziale") l’attribuzione dei beni che il trustee effettui a favore dei beneficiari del trust. Questa tas

16/10/2010 - Articolo del notaio

COMPRAVENDITA- Donazione denaro - Dichiarazione




I giudici appartenenti alle Magistrature speciali sono titolari di competenze circoscritte e delimitate rispetto alle competenze del giudice ordinario e soggetti ad una disciplina differenziata rispetto a quella dettata dalla legge sull’ordinamento giudiziario. È espressamente vietata dalla Costituzione l’istituzione di giudici speciali, in quanto la funzione giurisdizionale è esercitata, per il principio dell'unità della giurisdizione, da magistrati ordinari istituiti e regolati dalle norme


Con questa espressione si indicano le fonti secondarie o regolamentari emanate dagli Enti locali, ovvero dalle Regioni, dai Comuni e dalle Province e Città metropolitane nel rispetto delle leggi statali e costituzionali.Essi sono espressione dell’autonomia riconosciuta a questi Enti e servono a completare le leggi statali e regionali nelle materie di competenza locale. La Costituzione prevede una competenza esclusiva regolamentare degli Enti locali in ordine alla disciplina dell'organizzazio


Nel nostro ordinamento le Regioni e le Province autonome di Trento e Bolzano sono titolari di potestà normativa che consente loro di emanare leggi nelle materie ed entro i limiti previsti dalla Costituzione.Le leggi regionali sono leggi che hanno un’efficacia limitata al territorio della Regione che le emana, sono deliberate dal Consiglio regionale, promulgate dal Presidente della Regione e pubblicate sul Bollettino Ufficiale di ciascuna Regione (BUR). La Regione è autorizzata ad esercitare


L'approvazione di una legge si articola in quattro fasi:- iniziativa legislativa;- esame e approvazione;- promulgazione;- pubblicazione.L’iniziativa legislativa si esercita presentando al Presidente di una delle due Camere una proposta di legge, cioè un testo legislativo redatto in articoli. Tale proposta può essere presentata dal Governo, da singoli parlamentari, dal Consiglio nazionale dell’economia e del lavoro, da cinquantamila elettori, dalle Regioni e dai Comuni (in ordine al mutamento

09/02/2010 - Articolo del notaio

IMPOSTE - Imposta di registro - Conferimenti con cession quota


Le Regioni che hanno legiferato in materia energetica sono: Emilia Romagna Delib. Ass. Legisl. 4 marzo 2008, n. 156, Norme sulle procedure di certificazione energetica degli edifici, pubblicata nel B.U. Emilia-Romagna 25 marzo 2008, n. 47); Delib.G.R. 28 ottobre 2008, n. 1754 recante disposizioni per la formazione del Certificatore energetico in edilizia, in attuazione della delibera n. 156.L’Emilia Romagna è stata una delle prime regioni a legiferare in materia.E’ previsto l’o


E’ stato pubblicato sulla G.U. n. 158 del 10 luglio 2009, in attuazione di quanto previsto al comma 9 dell’art. 6 del d.lgs. 192/2005 e successive modifiche, il decreto del 26 giugno 2009 del Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico che definisce le Linee Guida Nazionali per la certificazione energetica degli edifici e gli strumenti di raccordo, concertazione, cooperazione tra lo Stato e le Regioni. Il decreto è entrato in vigore nel termine di 15 giorni dalla pubblicazione in Gazzetta Ufficial


Le Linee Guida non stabiliscono alcunché in relazione alla definizione dei Soggetti certificatori. Ai sensi dell’art. 4 comma 1 lett. c d.lgs. 192/2005, un tale compito resta affidato a successivi decreti presidenziali che definiranno i requisiti professionali e i criteri di accreditamento per assicurare la qualificazione e l'indipendenza degli esperti o degli organismi a cui affidare la certificazione energetica degli edifici e l'ispezione degli impianti di climatizzazione.In attesa di tali


Il punto 9 dell’All. A, per immobili di superficie utile inferiore o uguale a 1000 mq, stabilisce che il proprietario “consapevole della scadente qualità energetica dell’immobile”, anziché dotarlo dell’ACE, può ricorrere ad un’autodichiarazione in cui afferma che:- l’edificio è di classe energetica G;- i costi per la gestione energetica dell’edificio sono molto alti.La predetta autodichiarazione costituisce un’alternativa alla dotazione dell’ACE da rendere in sede di trasferimento dell’immob

25/11/2009 - Articolo del notaio

IMPOSTE - Registro - Trust

28/08/2009 - Articolo del notaio

COMPRAVENDITA - Agevolazione prima casa- Abuso del diritto


Sono esenti da Ici (art. 7 D. Lgs. 504/1992):a) i fabbricati posseduti dallo Stato, dalle Regioni, dalle Province, dai Comuni, dalle Comunità montane, dai consorzi fra i detti enti (o fra enti territoriali ed altri enti individualmente esenti), dalle unità sanitarie locali, dalle istituzioni sanitarie pubbliche autonome di cui all'art. 41 della L. 833/78, dalle camere di commercio, industria, artigianato ed agricoltura, destinati esclusivamente ai compiti istituzionali;b) i fabbricati classi


a) Se la procura è italiana o proviene da un paese in cui il notaio è professionista soggetto ai nostri stessi obblighi in materia di antiriciclaggio, posso fare affidamento, sotto la mia responsabilità, sull'identificazione effettuata dal notaio autenticante. b) Se la procura proviene da altro paese, verosimilmente dovrò identificare anche il mandante.



Individuazione del titolare effettivoMancata acquisizione delle modalità di pagamentoTracciamento delle modalità di pagamentoFrazionamento del pagamento Individuazione del titolare effettivo La mancata individuazione del titolare effettivo non è anomalia che va segnalata all'UIF, in assenza di ulteriori motivi ragionevoli che rendano l’operazione sospetta. Mancata acquisizione delle modalità di pagamento


Sono esenti da Ici (art. 7 D. Lgs. 504/1992):a) i terreni posseduti dallo Stato, dalle Regioni, dalle Province, dai Comuni, dalle Comunità montane, dai consorzi fra i detti enti (o fra enti territoriali ed altri enti individualmente esenti), dalle unità sanitarie locali, dalle istituzioni sanitarie pubbliche autonome di cui all'art. 41 della L. 833/1978, dalle Camere di commercio, industria, artigianato ed agricoltura, destinati esclusivamente ai compiti istituzionali;b) i terreni ricadenti


L'aliquota è deliberata da ciascun Comune, entro il 31 dicembre dell'anno precedente a quello di riferimento, sulla base delle proprie esigenze di bilancio. Se la delibera non è adottata entro tale termine, si applica l'aliquota minima del 4 per mille (art. 6 D. Lgs. 504/92). Tale ultima disposizione, non formalmente abrogata, è peraltro in contrasto con quella recentemente introdotta che prevede, in caso di mancata delibera, l'applicazione dell'aliquota in vigore nell'anno precedente (art.


Sono esenti dall’Ici (art. 7 D. Lgs. 504/1992):a) le aree possedute dallo Stato, dalle Regioni, dalle Province, dai Comuni, dalle Comunità montane, dai consorzi fra i detti enti (o fra enti territoriali ed altri enti individualmente esenti), dalle unità sanitarie locali, dalle istituzioni sanitarie pubbliche autonome di cui all'art. 41 della L. 833/78, dalle Camere di commercio, industria, artigianato ed agricoltura, destinati esclusivamente ai compiti istituzionali;b) le aree utilizzate da


La base imponibile viene determinata con modalità che variano a seconda che il fabbricato abbia avuto o meno l'attribuzione della rendita catastale e la successiva notifica al contribuente (art. 5 D. Lgs. 504/1992).Per i fabbricati con attribuzione di rendita il valore è dato dal prodotto fra la rendita catastale “vigente” al 1° gennaio dell'anno di imposizione, aumentata del 5%, e i seguenti coefficienti di rivalutazione variabili in relazione alla categoria del fabbricato:a) categorie cata


Notaries provide the community with a complex service, they carry out a public function of the State within the framework of an independent profession. The notarial deed not only regulates transactions between parties, but it provides added value in at least three respects: - a contract signed before a notary is unchallengable and hence it avoids expensive and time-consuming litigation procedures; - it is enforceable and hence it can be used to recover credits and it constitutes pri


Since 12 September 2002, the Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato has been registered in the public list of certifiers of digital signatures held by AIPA, as the certification authority for Italian notaries. The digital signatures of Italian notaries may be verified on the site http://ca.notariato.it. Based on the rules and the certification authority's operations manual, CNN certifies notaries' digital signatures in the exercise of their functions and so guarantees to third parties not only


The vendor has the right to receive the full amount of the agreed price from the purchaser at the time the sale contract is settled. Frequently the vendor has already received an advance payment on that price, generally as a deposit: in that case he will have the right to receive the difference to make up the full agreed price. The vendor has the option to allow the purchaser a deferral of payment, with or without interest. It is up to the discretion of the vendor (based on the trust h


Having broached subjects from the vendor's point of view as well, it is useful to recall that the burdensome INVIM (a tax originally levied on the vendor consequent upon his sale of a property) has been definitively abolished, to the great relief of the notary as well, given not only the complexity of calculating it but also (as always) the irksome role of tax collector that the law imposed on him. Nevertheless, it is helpful to emphasize that the vendor may still have to pay certain sums


Mention must be made of the distinction between real rates and nominal rates. The nominal rate is the percentage of interest that formally appears in the contract and which regulates the home loan operation. In reality, however, the effective cost of the loan is inevitably conditioned by a whole series of other factors: first of all, by various expense items  (survey, review and closure expenses; collection or encashment expenses; third-party agency costs; tax and insurance expenses; othe


As from 1 January 2006, it has been possible to meet the taxation requirements on some real estate transfers at the land registry's valuation, regardless of the price agreed and shown in the contract. The rule that first introduced the price-value concept was Article 1, Paragraph 497 of Law no. 266 of 23 December 2005 (2006 Budget); there were two subsequent amendments: Article 35, Paragraph 21 of Legislative Decree no. 223 of 4 July 2006, converted with modifications into Law no. 248 of


The law (articles 2 and 3) provides that when entering a preliminary agreement, or any agreement or contract for which the purchaser takes on obligations and pays money in advance but does not immediately purchase the property in the building under construction, the seller must issue a bank or insurance surety bond that guarantees the entire amount paid and to be paid before the final conveyance deed (which coincides with the deed drawn up by a notary public). The surety bond is the very


One of the essential elements in the negotiation of a home loan is the delay allowed for  repayment of the capital, i.e. the duration. In general terms, one may say that the longer the duration of a home loan the lower the amount of each repayment instalment, which gives the borrower more breathing space; all this, however, means paying overall a larger amount in  interest, precisely because the capital is repaid more slowly. The practice also is that a longer duration


Notartel S.p.A. was set up in 1997 in a partnership between the Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato (National Council of Notaries) and the Cassa Nazionale del Notariato (National Notaries' Fund) with the aim of creating and managing information and communications services for Italian notaries. Notartel links all Italian notaries by way of an intranet called Rete Unitaria del Notariato (RUN, or Unified Notarial Network), offering the services typical of an internet provider, such as access t


A  "public officer" is a professional who performs "public functions". This means that he is vested by the State  with public authority and faith, which allows him to draw "authentic deeds"  (or "public deeds"). The “authentic deed” is the characteristic  "product" of the latin notary system. Even though  the notaries' discipline can show slight differences in  the different countries adopting the latin system, they all draw up authentic (public) deeds with the same legal meaning.


Legalization is indispensable for a foreign public document to be valid in Italy. It consists only of the official certification - by the competent Italian consular or diplomatic authority abroad – of the legal status of the public official (or functionary) who has signed the document and the authenticity of his signature. If the document is issued by a foreign authority in Italy, it must be legalized by the Prefect in the district in which the foreign authority is located (except for the


La légalisation est une condition fondamentale pour qu’un acte étranger puisse produire ses effets juridiques en Italie. Il consiste uniquement dans l’attestation officielle – exprimée par l’autorité consulaire ou diplomatique italienne à l’étranger compétente – de la qualification juridique de l’officier public qui a signé l’acte, et de l’authenticité de sa signature. Si l’acte est émis par une autorité étrangère en Italie, il devra être légalisé par le préfet dans la circonscription duq


La legalizzazione è un requisito essenziale  affinché un atto straniero possa produrre in Italia i suoi effetti legali.Essa consiste  solo nella attestazione ufficiale – resa dalla competente autorità consolare o diplomatica italiana all’estero – della qualifica legale del pubblico ufficiale che ha firmato l’atto e l’autenticità della sua firma. Se l’atto è rilasciato da una autorità estera in Italia, deve essere legalizzato dal Prefetto nella cui circoscrizione si trova l’autorità estera stessa


The purchaser's main obligation is obviously to pay the agreed price to the vendor at the time the sale contract is completed. Where an advance payment has been made as a deposit, the difference must be paid to make up the full agreed price. It is legitimate for the purchaser to request a deferment of payment, but it is not his right to insist upon it, it being left to the discretion of the vendor whether or not to grant this: the purchaser's obligation to pay the price in full derives fr


Italian law attempts to facilitate and encourage people to buy their own primary home (their so-called “primary residence” ["prima casa"]) through various reductions in taxes for the purchaser. Specifically, at the time of purchase, the purchaser pays 3% (stamp duty) if he buys from a private person or 4% (VAT) if he buys from a company (except for a few odd cases), plus a fixed charge for registering the transfer and mortgage (presently a total of Euro 336.00).A foreigner, too, may take advanta


The system provides access to legal documentation that is useful for the exercise of the notarial profession, both internal to the profession and supplied by agreement with external editors; an archive of legal documentation (the Notarial Data Base) contains approximately 40,000 documents (studies by the National Council of Notaries, jurisprudence of interest, the science of law). The material is accessible by way of a search engi


The purchase of a home is always an important step in our lives. Just as the sale of a property also carries significant overtones: from investment decisions, to the reordering of assets, to the need for generational change. Whether it be the purchase or the sale of a property, it is not something to be taken lightly. Indeed, these are extremely complex operations that are full of pitfalls and that cannot be undertaken without the advice of an expert. Are you aware of the rights and oblig


The new law that is discussed below, and in particular the duty to take out a surety bond, applies to all types of real estate negotiations and hence it applies to purchases, exchanges, divisions, allotments by cooperative companies …, also and in particular to all forms of agreement that are made before the purchase and actual delivery of the property, such as preliminary agreements, promises to sell, leasing contracts, unilateral promises, advance payments, …. (article 1, paragraph 1, lett


Home loans are generally guaranteed by a mortgage and so are the preserve, in our legal system, of the notary. The presence of the notarial profession has become more significant with the recent increase in the number of such contracts, a result of the lower cost of money (though this is still subject to fluctuations) and improvements in living standards that allow an ever greater number of citizens to aspire to the ownership of their home and often of a second home as well. Year after ye


After long years of waiting, the decree-law that introduces greater protection for the purchasers of houses that are in the process of being built has finally been published in the Official Gazette (6 July 2005, n° 155).  The measures introduced under this new law will have a major impact: indeed, according to estimates made by trade associations, since 1995 more than 200,000 Italian families have been involved in thousands of bankruptcies of construction firms. Decree Law n° 122 of 20 Ju


When someone dies it is advisable to immediately obtain information on the transfer of the succession, that is, it has to be ascertained whether the succession – in the case in point – will be regulated by the law (since the deceased person has not left a will) or else, wholly or in part, by a will.Death is a grave and important event, on the basis of which different provisions of the law may take effect, besides the will of the deceased;  in order to avoid even important unforeseen consequences


If the parties wish to set up an general partnership, they must respect the specific rules laid down in this regard by the Civil Code, bearing in mind, in any case that, for many aspects, the law refers the reader to the provisions regulating informal partnerships, which consequently apply equally to general partnerships. So that, in the light the foregoing, the present file foresees multiple referrals to the subjects already dealt with and developed with regard to the informal partners


A home loan is a contract whereby one party, called the lender (usually a bank), transfers a given sum of money to a second party known as the borrower, so that the latter may use it for a given time in exchange for paying the former an amount representing interest. To this outline of the essential structure and functions of the contract must be added that a home loan includes various clauses that are not always immediately comprehensible but are necessary for regulating all the relations


Dans un contrat de transaction immobilière figurent les informations d’état civil du vendeur aussi bien que de l’acquéreur, y compris leur numéro d’identification fiscale, la description du bien objet de la mutation, avec l’indication de son emplacement, de sa nature et de ses confins, de même que sa désignation cadastrale et quelques informations obligatoires concernant l’urbanisme et la construction. Sous ce point, le vendeur doit déclarer si le bien immobilier en question a été constru


The Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato (C.N.N.) is the professional order of notaries. It is made up of 20 notaries directly elected by all practising notaries in three-yearly elections. There is a limit of two consecutive mandates. The three members of the Audit Committee are elected according to the same procedure.The 20 elected councillors, after they are installed in office, nominate a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and an Executive Committee. The tasks of the Consiglio Na


These make it possible to record transactions on-line with both the Territorial Offices (Land Registry) and the Taxation Department, as well as with the Chambers of Commerce (Companies Registry). It is also possible to provide input on-line for the publication of notices in the Official Gazette.


The law completes the range of measures introduced to protect the purchaser by extending to the purchaser the right to parcel out the loan and the mortgage on the building being built, and the prohibition on selling before the division of the loan into quotas, or before discharge of the mortgage or foreclosure where these are not taken over by the new purchaser (Articles 7 and 8). The purchaser of a house to be used as his/her home has the right of pre-emption in case of an auction (Art.


The Decree does not apply in general to all real estate transactions but only to those negotiations of buildings where the seller (called “builder”) sells a building that he or others have built (Article 1, paragraph 1, letter b). Hence the law applies not only to purchases from a builder (an individual or a firm), but also to the person or firm that sells a building built by a third party. According to the Decree a “purchaser” is an individual who purchases a building or who, even though


In order to grant a home loan, the bank requires a guarantee: by definition, the most common of these is the mortgage. A mortgage gives the bank the right to be repaid from the proceeds of any forced sale of the asset offered as collateral, with priority over other creditors. A mortgage has better legal standing if it is a first mortgage, i.e. if there are no higher-priority mortgages: a "land credit" guarantee generally requires a first mortgage. A mortgage is established over the


This service provides web-based interactive courses on the systems available. Organized as an ASP (Application Service Provider) centre, it provides high-quality services of interest to notaries 24 hours per day 7 days per week, with complete security. Forthcoming goals: - storage of electronic documents; - a single archive to combat money-laundering; - a general registry of wills.


As has been seen above, in order to determine the type of tax and the amount and means of payment of the sums due for duties on the purchase of a so-called primary residence, one must first of all take into account the nature of the vendor. When the vendor is the company that built (or renovated) the property and four years have not elapsed since completion, the conveyance is subject to VAT that the purchaser must pay directly to the company and not to the notary, along with the payment o


In general the rules for limited partnerships (s.a.s.) are the same as those laid down for informal partnerships (please refer to the related paragraph). However, the death of a limited partner does not end the partnership because, as said above, in case of death, the partner’s shares are transferred to the heirs, unless otherwise provided for in the Memorandum of Association.


Only legal security in business and private relationships allow for economic development; therefore a constitutional state must guarantee  legal security to its citizens. To this goal: 1) lawsuits  must be prevented, for as much as possible; 2) the citizens must have access  to public registers whose records are reliable and legally trustworthy. Clearly the reliability of the findings depends entirely upon the trustworthiness of the deeds entered. An authentic deed, drawn by a


This is a simplified – but absolutely rigid - form of legalization (in the sense that it must have  exactly all the formal characteristics stipulated in the sample attached to the Hague Convention of 5/10/1961 which governs it). It is valid in all the countries that have signed the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 and replaces legalization amongst those countries alone.Like legalization, an apostille may be indispensable for a foreign public document to be valid in Italy.Like legalization, an


Il s’agit d’une forme simplifiée – mais absolument rigide – de légalisation (dans le sens qu’elle doit correspondre exactement au modèle déposé en annexe à la Convention de La Haye du 5/10/1961 qui la prévoit). Elle est en vigueur entre les pays qui ont adhéré à la Convention de La Haye du 5 octobre 1961 et remplace la légalisation entre ces pays seulement. Tout comme la légalisation, l’apostille aussi est indispensable pour qu’un acte étranger puisse produire des effets en Italie. Com


E'  una forma semplificata – ma assolutamente rigida - di legalizzazione (nel senso che essa deve corrispondere esattamente al modello depositato in allegato alla Convenzione dell'Aja 5/10/1961 che la prevede). E’ in vigore tra i Paesi che hanno aderito alla Convenzione dell’Aja del 5 ottobre 1961  e sostituisce, solo tra essi, la legalizzazione.Come la legalizzazione, anche l’Apostille è indispensabile affinché l’atto straniero possa avere effetto in Italia. Come la legalizzazione, l’Apostille


Any change, even only a purely formal change, in the clauses of the by-laws of a company is considered to be an amendment to the by-laws.  As a rule this competence belongs to the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting and the relevant decision must be written in the minutes by a notary public and then registered with the Register of Companies.The decision must be taken by a majority vote, any clause in the bylaws setting forth that unanimity is required to change the Memorandum of Association


If the parties wish to join forces by setting up a partnership, they can do this also by setting up a limited partnership (hereafter referred to as an s.a.s.).In general, the s.a.s. is governed by rules that govern the general partnership (for which in turn, reference is made to the rules laid down for informal partnerships), except for the specific provisions which will be examined below.Such a partnership is characterised by the presence of two categories of partners:- unlimited partners,


The limited liability company is intended for smaller companies than joint-stock companies, and the equity participation in the company has a personal connotation which is absent in the s.p.a.  In fact, it has a limited number of shareholders who are not personally responsible for the social security liabilities, even if they have acted in the name and on behalf of the company.The legislation in place as of 1 January 2004 has had a major impact on the limited liability company, which is an e


Dissolution of general partnerships is determined by the causes already mentioned and described with reference to informal partnership,  to which the reader is explicitly referred.However, other specific causes of dissolution of the s.n.c. are the latter’s bankruptcy, and a provision by a government authority laying down the compulsory administrative winding up of the partnership.


With the provisions that entered into force as of 1 January 2004, the dissolution of companies with share capital is governed by new rules.A company may be dissolved because: its term of duration has expired,  the corporate aims have been achieved or circumstances have set in that make it impossible to achieve them, the shareholders’ meeting cannot or will not function, the share capital has dropped to values below the minimum legal requirements (but the company may decide to reconstitute th


Following approval of the final settlement accounts, the liquidators must draw up a request to cancel the company from the Register of Companies, submit the cancellation request to the Office of the Register of Companies c/o the Chamber of Commerce of the province where the company is based. As a result of cancellation the company ceases to exist.


Après l’approbation du bilan final de liquidation, les liquidateurs devront demander la radiation de la société du registre des entreprises en présentant une instance de radiation au Service des immatriculations des entreprises auprès de la chambre de commerce de la province où la société a son siège. La radiation décide l’extinction de la société.


In early 2003 the Italian legislator issued a law decree (n° 6 of 17 January 2003) which thoroughly reformed companies limited by shares.  The declared aim was to simplify, where appropriate, and enrich, wherever possible, the rules governing such companies, with a view to increasing their competitiveness on both domestic and international markets.Many changes were made and the following results have been achieved:  a better, though still not complete, co-ordination between the rules governi


In general, the winding up and liquidation of an s.a.s. is governed by the rules set forth for general partnerships, to which the reader is referred (please refer to the related paragraph).However, besides the causes of dissolution that are the same for an s.n.c., there is another cause that is exclusive of the s.a.s., namely when there is only one category of partners left.In fact, it is envisaged that the s.a.s. is to be dissolved when only limited partners or only unlimited partners remai


Limited partners are excluded, in principle, from managing the company.However, they may negotiate or conclude individual deals on behalf of the company, providing they have received a specific proxy or authorisation empowering them to do so.Each limited partner is responsible for social security liabilities in a degree that is proportionate to the contribution they made to the company. Accordingly he/she does not assume any other risks, except that of losing the value of the capital he/she


The functioning of the company with share capital, in its traditional model, is based on the necessary simultaneous presence of three bodies:  the shareholders’ meeting, the board of directors and the board of statutory auditors, each of which has its own distinct sphere of competence. Accounts are audited by an auditor or by an audit firm, except for closed companies where this is decided in the By-laws.The shareholders’ meeting, which is a sovereign body since it is empowered to decide on


Limited partnerships with share capital is a modified form of a company with share capital in which permanent directors manage the company who have unlimited liability, also contingent liability, for  social security liabilities. The provisions that are specific for this type of company are reduced to a few which concern above all the management of the company by the unlimited partners.    The peculiar characteristic of this type of company consists in the co-existence of two different group


The dissolution and liquidation of an s.a.p.a. is governed in general by the rules put forth for companies with share capital and joint-stock companies, to which the reader is referred (please refer to the related paragraph).Besides the ordinary reasons for winding up a company with share capital, there is an additional reason which holds only for limited partnerships with share capital, i.e. the case in which all the unlimited partners step down from office and they are not replaced within


On the basis of the provisions in force as of 1 January 2004, the administration of joint-stock companies may be organised according to three separate models:  the traditional model, the monistic model (of Anglo-Saxon origin) and the two-tier model (of German origin).In the traditional model, the directors have the task of running the company, and are accordingly provided with the power of being pro-active i.e. promoting the decision-making activity of the meeting (power of initiative), of i


In general partnerships too it may happen that, in the course of the company’s existence, the partners may wish to amend the partnership deed.Unless otherwise agreed, such changes must be adopted unanimously (except for when the company is turned into a company with share capital, or when mergers or demergers are carried out),  and must be written in a public deed or in an authenticated private contract, just like the partnership deed, since the law prescribes that also these amendments must


The rules described for the s.n.c. also apply to the establishment of an s.a.s.The Memorandum of Association must comply with the same requirements, in form and content, as those laid down for the s.n.c.An additional requirement is that the unlimited partners and the limited partners be distinctly indicated.The Memorandum of Association of the s.a.s. are to be entered in the Register of Companies. If this is not done the partnership is irregular and the provisions that shall apply are less favou


Consortiums are formed between entrepreneurs who decide to set up a common enterprise for regulating and carrying different phases of their respective businesses. The consortiums too are of a mutual character, since the consortium’s activity is carried out in the interest of its member enterprises. “Regulating” given steps of the members’ enterprises is a typical function of internal consortiums, and may be non-competitive in nature, while the “carrying out” of given steps in the respecti


Once upon a time it was enough to say that a foreigner was someone who was not an Italian citizen. This definition – to be clear – is still valid. Except that Article 17 of the EC Treaty institutes a citizenship of the European Union which is attributed to anyone who is a citizen of a Member State. Belonging to the European Union brings with it various consequences, some of which are very important, like the prohibition on


È straniero, evidentemente, chi non è cittadino italiano. Tuttavia, nell’epoca della globalizzazione questa definizione negativa non è più sufficiente per identificare le regole giuridiche che si applicano ai “non-italiani”.Regole diverse, infatti, si applicano agli stranieri “comunitari”, cioè ai cittadini di Paesi appartenenti alla Unione Europea, rispetto ai cittadini “extra–comunitari”.Ma anche tra questi ultimi si dovrà ulteriormente distinguere tra coloro che sono in possesso di permesso d


Co-operatives are associations of persons which are protected in the Italian Constitution:  in fact Article 45 of the Italian Constitution states: “the Constitution recognises the social function of co-operative societies that are based on the values of solidarity and that do not pursue goals of private profit”.In co-operatives predominant importance is ascribed to the social function, which consists in implementing a democratic decentralisation of the power of organisation and management of


Informal partnerships are the most elementary form of enterprise.The fundamental characteristic of an informal partnership is that the scope of its activities is limited to non-commercial profit-making economic activities.The scope of an informal partnership may therefore include:- agricultural activities, with certain limitations because:   the purpose of the enterprise cannot be merely that of using assets, but must consist in the joint operation of a business activity;  taci


La société simple représente la forme la plus élémentaire de société.Ce qui caractérise fondamentalement la société simple est le fait qu’elle peut avoir pour objet exclusivement l’exercice d’activités économiques lucratives non commerciales.Le domaine d’activité des sociétés simples peut par conséquent porter sur l’exercice:- d’activités agricoles, avec quelques restrictions, dans le sens que:la société ne peut pas avoir comme objet la simple jouissance des biens, mais l’exercice commun et conc


Take the case in which the company has lost capital. What is the company allowed to do?In this connection the law envisages that, in case of losses, the company cannot distribute profits among the partners until the capital has been reduced or replenished by the corresponding amount.However, unlike what happens for companies with share capital, there is no obligation to reduce the capital whatever the amount of the losses incurred, even if the latter are such as to wipe out the  entire capit

18/05/2007 - Articolo del notaio

SOCIETA' - SpA - Amministratore - Persona giuridica


Non possono acquisire la qualifica di impresa sociale le amministrazioni pubbliche (e cioè le amministrazioni dello Stato, ivi compresi gli istituti e scuole di ogni ordine e grado e le istituzioni educative, le aziende ed amministrazioni dello Stato ad ordinamento autonomo, le Regioni, le Province, i Comuni, le Comunità montane, e loro consorzi e associazioni, le istituzioni universitarie, gli Istituti autonomi case popolari, le Camere di commercio, industria, artigianato e agricoltura e lo


Il pubblico ufficiale o il funzionario dell'ufficio pubblico che non ammette l'autocertificazione o la dichiarazione sostitutiva dell'atto di notorietà, nonostante ci siano tutti i presupposti per accoglierla, incorre nelle sanzioni previste dall'art. 328 del Codice penale e rischiano di essere puniti per omissioni o rifiuto di atti d'ufficio. Il cittadino dovrà, in primo luogo, accertare chi è il responsabile della pratica inoltrata, richiedendo nome, cognome e qualifica, inoltre è necessari


L'autocertificazione e le dichiarazioni sostitutive di notorietà sono utilizzabili solo nei rapporti con le amministrazioni pubbliche intendendo tutte le Amministrazioni dello Stato, ivi compresi gli istituti e le scuole di ogni ordine e grado, le istituzioni universitarie, le aziende e le amministrazioni dello Stato ad ordinamento autonomo, le regioni, province, comuni e comunità montane, I.A.C.P., camere di commercio e qualsiasi altro ente di diritto pubblico (compresi gli enti pubblici econom


The corporate assets are the company’s assets and liabilities.  Initially they are made up of the contributions offered or promised by the partners.  During its life-time the corporate assets undergo changes depending on the business activities carried out. The assets and liabilities are audited regularly through the drawing up of the annual balance sheet.The net worth is the positive difference between assets and liabilities.The corporate assets also have the function of providing the compa


The management of a company is the activity of running the corporate enterprise. The power of management is the power of carrying out any activity that falls within the scope of the corporate purpose.When the management of the company falls on more than one partner (all or some), and the partnership contract makes no provision on how the power of management is to be exercised, then the notion of  separate management shall apply:  each partner is a director, that is, he has the power of manag


In  share capital companies the financial autonomy is perfect in that the shareholders are accountable for the debts of the company only in proportion to the share they hold.This means:- that the personal creditors of a shareholder can never receive payment from the company;- that creditors of the company, in turn, can never expect the members to use their personal assets to pay for the company’s debts.The financial circumstances of the shareholder of a company with share capital will never


Carrying out an economic activity jointly in the form of a company is aimed at making a profit (objective profit) subsequently to be shared among the shareholders (subjective profit).  The companies that pursue this aim are called profit-making companies (partnerships and companies with share capital).There are however other types of companies (cooperatives) which by law pursue a mutual aim that is different from profit-making.Their typical aim is to provide the members with direct advantage


Contributions are the assets that the partners are obliged to provide under the partnership deed.In other terms, the contributions are the resources that the partners contribute to create the initial assets of the company.It is their function to provide the company with the initial capital required to carry out the company’s activity.Through the contribution each partner allocates a part of his personal assets to the common activity throughout the lifetime of the company and takes on the ent


In setting up a company, it is desirable to be assisted by a notary who will help you choose the form of company that, from the organizational standpoint, is best suited to achieving the corporate purpose.From the organizational point of view, companies can be distinguished into the following types:a. PartnershipsThese include:- informal partnerships;- general partnerships;- limited partnerships. b. Companies limited by shares These comprise:- joint-stoc


It is extremely simple to set up an informal partnership:- the contract needs not be of any special type, except where special types of assets are involved (and except for evidentiary limitations);- all that is needed to set up an informal partnership is the mutual engagement by the partners to jointly carry out a non-commercial profit-making activity;- informal partnerships must be entered into the register of companies. Such registration takes place in a special section and does not imply


Individuals interested in becoming partners, whether they be natural persons, companies, associations or in general, entities, must have the legal capacity to act, i.e. carry out transactions that are valid from a legal standpoint.Can joint-stock companies  be members of a partnership? The issue was a matter for debate up to recently, but an affirmative solution was provided by the law that entered into force as of January 1 2004.Participation by other entities in companies can give rise to


Individuals who set up a company do so because they want to carry out a given economic activity together with other individuals.  This activity is the corporate purpose and must be indicated in the Memorandum of Association.  It may be changed during the life-time of the company only in accordance with the amendment rules envisaged in the Memorandum of Association.The activity must be a productive activity, i.e. a business aimed at producing or trading goods or providing services, while it c


The relationship between a partner and the company ends automatically when the partner dies. Within six months from his death, the surviving partners have the duty of returning the share held by the dead partner to his heirs. The surviving partners are not obliged to accept that the heirs of the deceased member should succeed him by taking his place in the company.The surviving partners have two options they can choose from. They may either decide:- to wind up the company in advance;- to car

07/12/2004 - Articolo del notaio

SOCIETA' - cooperative - albo - iscrizione 1