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Providing Best Solutions in a
       framework of Legal Certainty

Risultati ricerca


TUTELA DEL PATRIMONIO - Pronte le regole OCSE contro l’occultamento di patrimoni all’estero tramite trust e altri schemi


INTERNATIONAL - FRANCE: Legal entities must comply with reporting obligations by April


INTERNATIONAL - ISRAEL: Tax authority launches new voluntary disclosure programme


INTERNATIONAL - UK: Alarm over extension of property taxes to non-residents


INTERNATIONAL - UK TRUSTS: Law implementing registers of trusts in force on 26 June 2017


New Zealand to enact tighter foreign trust disclosure rules


The notarial profession has always been, and continues to be, one that is more than ready to adopt new technology. It is sufficient to recall that from the 1960s on, any and all notaries' offices moved rapidly from traditional typewriters and duplicators to the most sophisticated photocopiers and PCs with large-capacity memories. The reason for notaries' particular attention to technological developments of this kind is evident. For over 2000 years the notary's job has been to create and con


A property conveyance gives rise to a series of rights and obligations for both parties. For a number of the rights of one of the contracting parties, there are corresponding and equal obligations of the other party, so that the vendor and the purchaser find themselves involved in an interactive web of expectations to be met and duties to be performed. While some of these rights/obligations, such as the payment/receipt of the purchase price and the delivery/receipt of the property, are


The functioning of the company with share capital, in its traditional model, is based on the necessary simultaneous presence of three bodies:  the shareholders’ meeting, the board of directors and the board of statutory auditors, each of which has its own distinct sphere of competence. Accounts are audited by an auditor or by an audit firm, except for closed companies where this is decided in the By-laws.The shareholders’ meeting, which is a sovereign body since it is empowered to decide on