Risultati ricerca

Providing Best Solutions in a
       framework of Legal Certainty

Risultati ricerca


Nel registro si annotano solamente il nome e cognome delle parti, e, intuitivamente, la data dell'instaurazione del rapporto. Il termine per l'annotazione è di trenta giorni dal compimento dell'operazione. Vanno annotate le prestazioni non notarili, ad esempio le consulenze, o gli incarichi revocati, purché l'attività svolta fino alla revoca dell'incarico si sia concretizzata in una effettiva prestazione professionale. Rientrano invece nelle attività notarili, e non vanno annotate, tut


Special rules are laid down for the appointment and revocation of auditors and of the members of the supervisory board and, for the s.a.p.a. that are listed or subject to compulsory auditing, there are special rules for assigning or revoking the assignment to an audit firm.For all other aspects, please refer to the joint-stock companies (please refer to the related paragraph).


The rules governing general partnerships are similar from many points of view to those laid down for informal partnerships (please refer to the related paragraph)


In particular, it is pointed out that there are different rules as compared with the s.p.a. for the adoption of certain decisions (amendments to the Memorandum of Association, revocation and replacement of directors, appointment and revocation of the members of the supervision board). Hence the need to seek the advice of a notary public.For all other aspects, please refer to the joint-stock companies (please refer to the related paragraph).