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Further comment has appeared on the England and Wales Family Court's decision to pierce the corporate veil in the financial remedy case of Akhmedova v Akhmedov (2018 EWFC 23 Fam). The judge considered it necessary to go against the long-standing legal principle, in response to Farkhad Akhmedov's 'continuing campaign to defeat his ex-wife by concealing his assets in a web of offshore companies', and issued orders to aid her enforcement of the judgment in the Isle of Man and Dubai FATTO


INTERNATIONAL - UK: Alarm over extension of property taxes to non-residents


I regolamenti sono gli strumenti più completi ed efficaci a disposizione delle istituzioni (cfr. art. 249). Essi sono: - di portata generale, cioè applicabili a categorie di destinatari astrattamente determinate; - obbligatori in tutti i loro elementi, nel senso che gli Stati membri hanno l’obbligo della loro integrale applicazione; - direttamente applicabili in ogni Stato membro, nel senso che esplicano tutti i loro effetti negli Stati membri, nei confronti delle loro istituzioni e rispetto


Italian law attempts to facilitate and encourage people to buy their own primary home (their so-called “primary residence” ["prima casa"]) through various reductions in taxes for the purchaser. Specifically, at the time of purchase, the purchaser pays 3% (stamp duty) if he buys from a private person or 4% (VAT) if he buys from a company (except for a few odd cases), plus a fixed charge for registering the transfer and mortgage (presently a total of Euro 336.00).A foreigner, too, may take advanta


Once upon a time it was enough to say that a foreigner was someone who was not an Italian citizen. This definition – to be clear – is still valid. Except that Article 17 of the EC Treaty institutes a citizenship of the European Union which is attributed to anyone who is a citizen of a Member State. Belonging to the European Union brings with it various consequences, some of which are very important, like the prohibition on