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Further comment has appeared on the England and Wales Family Court's decision to pierce the corporate veil in the financial remedy case of Akhmedova v Akhmedov (2018 EWFC 23 Fam). The judge considered it necessary to go against the long-standing legal principle, in response to Farkhad Akhmedov's 'continuing campaign to defeat his ex-wife by concealing his assets in a web of offshore companies', and issued orders to aid her enforcement of the judgment in the Isle of Man and Dubai FATTO


Se il trust non può certo prescindere dalla volontà del disponente che lo istituisce, il ruolo centrale del trust comunque spetta senz’altro al trustee, e cioè al soggetto che il disponente designa al fine di perseguire lo scopo per il quale il trust viene istituito e per renderlo proprietario dei beni del trust. Il trustee è l’unico dei soggetti del trust il cui nome non è stato tradotto dall’inglese: infatti, il termine settlor è stato tradotto con "disponente", il termine beneficiary è st


In order to grant a home loan, the bank requires a guarantee: by definition, the most common of these is the mortgage. A mortgage gives the bank the right to be repaid from the proceeds of any forced sale of the asset offered as collateral, with priority over other creditors. A mortgage has better legal standing if it is a first mortgage, i.e. if there are no higher-priority mortgages: a "land credit" guarantee generally requires a first mortgage. A mortgage is established over the