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Risultati ricerca


The Privy Council has handed down judgment in Investec Trust (Guernsey) v Glenalla Properties (2018 UKPC 7), in which the former trustees of the Tchenguiz Discretionary Trust had made loans of over GBP200 million to various BVI companies.

08/03/2018 - Articolo del notaio

UNIONE CIVILE - Iscrizione alla gestione previdenziale artigiani e commercianti


PHILANTHROPY: Ikea's late founder structured business as three foundations

11/01/2018 - Articolo del notaio

SUCCESSIONI - L'eredità nella convivenza e nella unione civile


UK - BREXIT: More detail on post-Brexit rights for EU citizens and families


VAT - Transfer of ownership of land in settlement of tax arrears


INTERNATIONAL - UK TRUSTS: Law implementing registers of trusts in force on 26 June 2017


INTERNATIONAL - Cayman Islands: Beneficial ownership regime ready for launch


BANCHE POPOLARI - Trasformazione in SPA

08/02/2016 - Articolo del notaio

FAMIGLIA - Filiazione


Guida breve sui "nuovi" rapporti tra genitori e figli


Notaries and business


Notaries have as their essential mission to confer authenticity on the legal instruments and contracts they establish for their clients in various areas of law


L’Agenzia delle Entrate con la circolare 21 ottobre 2010, n. 53/E ha fornito chiarimenti in ordine alle modalità di assolvimento del relativo obbligo posto a carico del soggetti passivi IVA. Il suddetto obbligo di comunicazione riguarda: - le cessioni di beni, - le prestazioni di servizi resi, - gli acquisti di beni, - le prestazioni di servizi ricevuti, effettuate, ricevute, registrate o soggette a registrazione nei confronti di operatori economici aventi sede, res


A questo organo spetta la potestà deliberativa relativa allo status ed alle funzioni dei magistrati. In particolare adotta provvedimenti riguardanti: - le assunzioni, le assegnazioni e ogni altro provvedimento sullo status di magistrato (trasferimenti e mobilità);- le nomine e le revoche dei giudici onorari (ad es. Giudice di Pace);- le nomine a magistrato di Cassazione per meriti insigni di professori universitari ed avvocati;- i pareri sui disegni di legge concernenti l’ordinamento giudizi


Nelle Società per Azioni il conferimento o finanziamento del socio deve essere effettuato in denaro. Qualora l’atto costitutivo lo consenta è altresì ammesso un finanziamento del socio avente ad oggetto beni materiali o immateriali valutabili in denaro o crediti. Non possono formare oggetto di conferimento (se non in maniera accessoria) le prestazioni di opera o di servizi. Di conseguenza non sono ammissibili i soci d’opera. Nelle società di capitali lo status di socio e la titolarità della part


Fattispecie “potenzialmente” sospette. Alla luce degli indicatori offerti dal legislatore è possibile evidenziare alcune fattispecie che, per la loro equivocità, richiedono l'acquisizione di dati ed informazioni ulteriori al fine di sorreggere una legittima segnalazione ed altre che presentano aspetti che già di per sé presentano profili da valutare con maggior attenzione al fine di optare per la segnalazione di operazione sospetta e che, verosimilmente, richied


» Cliccare qui per avere informazioni sullo status giuridico dei dipendenti degli studi notarili


Notaries provide the community with a complex service, they carry out a public function of the State within the framework of an independent profession. The notarial deed not only regulates transactions between parties, but it provides added value in at least three respects: - a contract signed before a notary is unchallengable and hence it avoids expensive and time-consuming litigation procedures; - it is enforceable and hence it can be used to recover credits and it constitutes pri


Since 12 September 2002, the Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato has been registered in the public list of certifiers of digital signatures held by AIPA, as the certification authority for Italian notaries. The digital signatures of Italian notaries may be verified on the site http://ca.notariato.it. Based on the rules and the certification authority's operations manual, CNN certifies notaries' digital signatures in the exercise of their functions and so guarantees to third parties not only


If the property is classified with “heritage” status or if it is subject to particular artistic-scenic restrictions there must be, in certain circumstances, the authorization of the relevant authority for the sale and it is subject to pre-emption by the Monuments and Fine Arts Office; It may be that the asset is subject to certain formal claims (usually one or more mortgages) which mean it is not entirely “free”; the notary is able to check on the existence of such circumstances and advis


When purchasing a property (apartment, garage, commercial premises etc.) it is always necessary to check that it is in order from the point of view of the building ordinances, i.e. the existence of a building permit for its construction or “concessions” for any work subsequently carried out (it is often the case that work done without authorization was subsequently the subject of an amnesty by way of a corrective building concession).For vacant land, it is always important to check its statu


Legalization is indispensable for a foreign public document to be valid in Italy. It consists only of the official certification - by the competent Italian consular or diplomatic authority abroad – of the legal status of the public official (or functionary) who has signed the document and the authenticity of his signature. If the document is issued by a foreign authority in Italy, it must be legalized by the Prefect in the district in which the foreign authority is located (except for the


A property conveyance gives rise to a series of rights and obligations for both parties. For a number of the rights of one of the contracting parties, there are corresponding and equal obligations of the other party, so that the vendor and the purchaser find themselves involved in an interactive web of expectations to be met and duties to be performed. While some of these rights/obligations, such as the payment/receipt of the purchase price and the delivery/receipt of the property, are


A company has a life of its own which is independent from that of its partners: it will go on living even after its partners die or it can be dissolved and wound up even if its partners are alive.All companies have a legal status and as such they have assets that are distinct from those of the partners that constitute the company. They have a name, a registered office and, hence are legal entities that are quite distinct from the individuals making up the company.They are non-personified col


This underpins the National Council of Notaries' role as certifier and manager of notaries' digital signatures. Becoming a qualified certifier has allowed the CNN to execute the formalities with full legal validity, since the digital signature issued by the National Council of Notaries is the only one that also certifies a notary's status as currently practising.


This is a simplified – but absolutely rigid - form of legalization (in the sense that it must have  exactly all the formal characteristics stipulated in the sample attached to the Hague Convention of 5/10/1961 which governs it). It is valid in all the countries that have signed the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 and replaces legalization amongst those countries alone.Like legalization, an apostille may be indispensable for a foreign public document to be valid in Italy.Like legalization, an


Any change, even only a purely formal change, in the clauses of the by-laws of a company is considered to be an amendment to the by-laws.  As a rule this competence belongs to the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting and the relevant decision must be written in the minutes by a notary public and then registered with the Register of Companies.The decision must be taken by a majority vote, any clause in the bylaws setting forth that unanimity is required to change the Memorandum of Association


The dissolution and liquidation of an s.a.p.a. is governed in general by the rules put forth for companies with share capital and joint-stock companies, to which the reader is referred (please refer to the related paragraph).Besides the ordinary reasons for winding up a company with share capital, there is an additional reason which holds only for limited partnerships with share capital, i.e. the case in which all the unlimited partners step down from office and they are not replaced within


Once upon a time it was enough to say that a foreigner was someone who was not an Italian citizen. This definition – to be clear – is still valid. Except that Article 17 of the EC Treaty institutes a citizenship of the European Union which is attributed to anyone who is a citizen of a Member State. Belonging to the European Union brings with it various consequences, some of which are very important, like the prohibition on


Le associazioni sono enti costituiti da più persone per il raggiungimento di scopi ben definiti, di regola altruistici e ideali. La presenza di un nucleo più o meno esteso di associati è quindi fondamentale e la loro volontà appare preminente. Esse si dividono in due grandi categorie, a seconda che abbiano ottenuto il cosiddetto “riconoscimento”, ovvero non lo abbiano richiesto o comunque avuto. A tale ripartizione conseguono differenze in tema di formalità necessarie per la loro costituzion