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Risultati ricerca

Forse cercavi: stop trop tot too tap

Studio Notarile Busani - Via Cordusio, 2 20123 Milano - Partita Iva: 01681340343 TRATTAMENTO DATI PERSONALI – INFORMATIVA PRIVACY Lo Studio Notarile Busani effettua il trattamento dei dati personali sensibili e comuni, su supporto cartaceo o digitale, per svolgere le attività derivanti dalle relazioni in essere


US: Trump proposes territorial tax system


SOCIETA' - Corporate Governance

09/02/2011 - Articolo del notaio

02/01/2011 - Articolo del notaio


Co-operatives are associations of persons which are protected in the Italian Constitution:  in fact Article 45 of the Italian Constitution states: “the Constitution recognises the social function of co-operative societies that are based on the values of solidarity and that do not pursue goals of private profit”.In co-operatives predominant importance is ascribed to the social function, which consists in implementing a democratic decentralisation of the power of organisation and management of