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NETHERLANDS: Measures against 'letterbox companies' seek to improve country's reputation


'Foundation company' vehicle established in Cayman Islands


AUSTRALIA: New tax on foreign owners of unoccupied homes


INTERNATIONAL - Canadian notary must reimburse buyer stuck with non-resident seller's CGT bill


A home loan is a contract whereby one party, called the lender (usually a bank), transfers a given sum of money to a second party known as the borrower, so that the latter may use it for a given time in exchange for paying the former an amount representing interest. To this outline of the essential structure and functions of the contract must be added that a home loan includes various clauses that are not always immediately comprehensible but are necessary for regulating all the relations


Home loan contracts with a bank for a duration exceeding 18 months enjoy significant reductions in terms of indirect taxes: the contract does not attract stamp duty or registration duty or the mortgage registration tax, but only a “substitute tax” of 0.25% on the amount of the home loan which is debited directly by the bank and paid over to state revenue (N.B.: for mortgage contracts for the purchase, construction or restructuring of a second or subsequent home, from 1 August 2004 the tax th