In Europe, 2.5 million homes belong to people living in a Member State other than that in which the property is located and several million Europeans no longer live in their country of origin.
However, whether buying a secondary residence, making an investment or moving abroad, buying property in Europe remains a complex operation, particularly because of the differences between national laws.
To provide an useful information for citizens before they consult a professional such as a notary, the following pages are dedicated to specific questions, intended as a practical tool for consumers, helping them to understand the different stages of a real estate transaction depending on the italian law. The information is split into three sections:
1) preparing the contract and the various stages of the procedure (initial agreement, financing and financing guarantees, information relating to the property and the parties);
2) signature of the contract by the parties;
3) performance of this contract (transfer of ownership, payment of property price and taxes, handing over of keys, publication of ownership in the land registers).
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Ultima Modifica: 31/07/2021