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Risultati ricerca

Forse cercavi: treated trente trenta trent reato

NETHERLANDS: Measures against 'letterbox companies' seek to improve country's reputation


INTERNATIONAL - FRANCE: Wealth property tax has significant effects for non-residents


The Japanese government's 2018 tax reform bill abolishes the recently introduced rule under which the heirs of a long-term resident foreigner who died outside Japan remain liable to Japanese inheritance tax (IHT) on estate assets anywhere in the world. The rule had threatened to derail the government's efforts to attract foreign talent to live and work in Japan, because it meant IHT liability could follow a foreign national for up to five years after leaving the country.


INTERNATIONAL - UK: Alarm over extension of property taxes to non-residents


I trattati o accordi (o patti, convenzioni, statuti, etc.) sono norme di diritto internazionale particolari o pattizie, in quanto nate dall’incontro della volontà di due o più soggetti dell’ordinamento internazionale, al fine di regolare un determinato rapporto intercorrente fra essi. L’inviolabilità e l’osservanza delle norme pattizie è garantita dalla norma consuetudinaria pacta sunt servanda. Le norme pattizie, a differenza di quelle generali di origine consuetudinaria, non sono valide er


In general terms, our law permits the purchase of real estate by foreigners in the following different ways:1) non-resident foreigner: only if covered by an international treaty or there is a reciprocal arrangement whereby his country of origin allows an Italian to purchase a house;2) "resident" foreigner, his family members and stateless persons resident in Italy for less than three years: with a temporary residence permit for specific reasons or a long-term residence permit;3) citizen of the E


Once upon a time it was enough to say that a foreigner was someone who was not an Italian citizen. This definition – to be clear – is still valid. Except that Article 17 of the EC Treaty institutes a citizenship of the European Union which is attributed to anyone who is a citizen of a Member State. Belonging to the European Union brings with it various consequences, some of which are very important, like the prohibition on